dns64 supports the configuration of an IPv6 prefix to which the embedded IPv4 address is appended, as well as an optional suffix that is then appended to the IPv4 address to complete the 128-bit address. (The prefix is often 96 bits long, in which case no suffix is required, or even ...
如果主dns不设置server语句的话,则主服务器主动发送给从dns的notify会被拒绝;如果从服务器不设置server语句的话,则不能实现分view同步的功能;如果主从服务器时间不同步的话,则会导致验证失败;如果从dns的ip匹配到主dns的view,则会导致只同步这个view的数据下来,即使配置了key。 Linux主辅dns数据不同步故障排除 在互...
默认情况下BIND服务器的网络端口是:UDP 53用于常规解析;TCP 53用于数据同步;TCP 953用于IPv6解析。针对Linux下的BIND服务器, 设置系统防火墙规则, 关闭不必要的网络端口。修改防火墙配置文件/etc/sysconfig/iptables, 具体配置如下: (3) 控制BIND运行权限 通过chroot技术控制BIND的权限范围, 使BIND只能在chroot目录中具...
bind_listen_ipv4_port[53]A list of port numbers to listen on for IPv4 addresses. bind_listen_ipv6['::1']A list of the IPv6 address of the network interface(s) to listen on bind_listen_ipv6_port[53]A list of port numbers to listen on for IPv6 addresses. ...
1: pid file created: /var/tmp/turnserver.pid 1: IO method (main listener thread): kqueue 1: IPv6: On this platform, I am using alternative behavior of TTL (HOPLIMIT) according to RFC 6156. 1: WARNING: I cannot support STUN CHANGE_REQUEST functionality because only one IP address is ...
bind_listen_ipv6 ['::1'] A list of the IPv6 address of the network interface(s) to listen on bind_listen_ipv6_port [53] A list of port numbers to listen on for IPv6 addresses. bind_log data/named.run Path to the log file bind_other_logs - A list of logging channels to conf...
(say for example instead of http://www.unixmen.org). It can be somewhat hard for people to remember IPv4 addresses this becomes even more apparent with many web servers switching to IPv6. I don’t know many people that could easily remember a 32 digit address of ...
Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the [list of DNS servers] (https://sd.fqdn.tld:10000/net/list_dns.cgi), or turn off the BIND feature on the [Features and Plugins] (https://sd.fqdn...
which specifies that upon expiry of the SOA REFRESH interval, all known masters should be queried in turn. RFC推荐辅服务器直接向发送NOTIFY的源请求更新(关键词用should而非must)。 下面我们来分析一下BIND在这种场景下的行为,首先看一看BIND收到NOTIFY之后的处理: ...
Note that the IP of our local DNS here is The hosts are added at the bottom of this file. 首先是转发文件用来将地址映射为主机名。接着使用 od 作为示例。注意这里的域名解析服务器的地址为。主机名在该文件的最后添加。 vi /var/named/ourdomain.lan.db The file will look...