DPEnableButton=tk.Button(commonRow2Frame,text=”Debug Parser En”,command=AdbCmdImpl.adbCmdDPEnable) DPEnableButton.pack(side=tk.LEFT,fill=tk.X,padx=1,pady=3)DPEnableButton.bind(““,func=lambda buttonIndex: ShowButtonTip.showButtonFunctionInfo(buttonIndex,buttonConst.DP_ENABLE_BUTTON))…....
"xdotool key alt+f1" "Button3" 这里使用了xdotool工具来模拟 Alt + F1 的组合键,从而触发一个自定义的菜单。这样,每次右键单击时,都会显示一个包含常用命令的菜单,方便用户快速选择。 3.2.2 拖放操作 对于经常需要移动文件或窗口的用户来说,设置一些拖放操作的快捷键也是非常有用的。例如,你可以将Ctrl + 左...
# control+shift+q starts xterm "xterm" control+shift + q # Menu key starts xbindkeys_show "xbindkeys_show" Menu # Control + mouse button 1 starts xterm "xterm" Control + b:1 # Control+Shift+a release event starts rxvt "rxvt" release+control+shift + a # Control + mouse button 2...
We support bindkeys to tie commonly-used commands and sequences to single keys, key combinations, or mouse sequences, to help automate repetitive tasks and speed up your work. This reduces the time and effort involved in performing a specific task and offers an overal...
Hover over buttons, spells or macro's and press a key, scroll with the mouse or press mousebutton 4 or 5. After you've bound your spell/items/macro's press "Save bindings" and your done! Due to request, HealBot users now use /hvb, instead of /hb. Sorry for any inconveniences. ...
Congratulations! You’ve successfully overcome the limitations set by default keybindings in Last Epoch. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, and in this case, the responsibility to ensure your controls suit your playstyle. If you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to leave...
#IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad MButton::click, down Right RButton::Ctrl #If GetKeyState("RButton", "P") LButton::t return I want to set Middle Mouse button as a single toggle on and off . When i press Middle mouse button once, it HOLDS down right click and pressing it again rel...
bind <Bind Key> <"Bind Command"> Copy This command will bind a command, or list of commands, to a key on your keyboard or button on your mouse. Binds can make your CS:GO experience much more convenient, and is a very important command in the game. NameDescription Bind Key The key ...