+alt2- your right Alt key becomes active +attack- to shoot nonstop. Use the command -attack to cancel this feature (of course, you weapons need to reload time after time) +attack2- to repeatedly activate your secondary attack (the same as the right mouse click). Use -attack2 for canc...
bind x"+jump;-attack;-jump"就能实现。插一句话,有的场合需要右键和双键跳投,前面的-attack前后应该再加一条-attack2。说明这个例子还不能极致地体现alias指令的意义。所以我增加了第二个例子。 【经典例子2——大跳指令】 完整的大跳指令为: alias +cjump"+jump; +duck"; alias -cjump"-jump; -duck";...
拒绝板凳偷人!米垃圾无瑕疵改良版VIP快烟 #cs2 #mirage道具教学 #csgo alias +fd "+forward" alias -fd "-forward" bind 绑定按键 "+fd;+jp;+ak" - 乐金月于20231003发布在抖音,已经收获了8.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
先贴一段跳扔脚本: 1.alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;-attack2" 2.alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump" 3.bind "space" "+jumpthrow" 首先说一下这里面的"+"和"-",&q 33114 valorant吧 正宗情报🐴 新赛季劫境之地地图返厂,并作出调整 152175 vct赛事吧 PQH蓘f 关于明天EDG和eg比赛的地图选择说一...
←Bind You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reasons: The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups:Users,Moderators. You must confirm your email address before editing pages. Please set and validate your email address through youruser prefer...
raltAlt(Right side) spaceSpacebar backspace← Backspace enter↵Enter semicolonSemicolon (;) lwin⊞Win(Left side) rwin⊞Win(Right side) apps≣Menu numlockNum Lock scrolllockScroll Lock Navigation Keys Bind nameKey uparrow↑Up Arrow ...
CS2——INFERNO B区进攻道具(2.0重置版) 道具交流群:571033094 CS2一键跳投绑定: alias +JP "+JUMP;-JUMP";alias +ak "-attack;-attack2";bind c "+jp - 劫南loser于20231007发布在抖音,已经收获了1013个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
为了马上写的一些个人道具心得,给有上进心的新玩家的一些帮助 1.fps,ping,loss 显示: alias +jumpthrow "+jump;-attack" bind alt +j…
右Alt:ralt 【功能键区】F1~F12可以绑定 F1~12就是f1、f2、...、f12。注意有Fn键的键盘,如果设置默认F1~12为电脑操作功能,在CSGO游戏中需要按住Fn的同时按F1~12来执行该键的功能。 【光标控制区】 Insert:ins Delete:del Home:home End:end Page Up:pgup ...