public static int getDiameter(BinaryTreeNode root) { if (root == null) return 0; int rootDiameter = getHeight(root.getLeft()) + getHeight(root.getRight()) + 1; int leftDiameter = getDiameter(root.getLeft()); int rightDiameter = getDiameter(root.getRight()); return Math.max(root...
Is it a binary tree Questions please seeHackerRank. It was too long. In simple, how can you check if a tree is a binary search tree? Idea Read the binary search tree from leftmost to rightmost, and make sure the order is always increasing. If you still remember how to do an in-orde...
25 26classSolution{public: vector<vector<int>>levelOrderBottom(TreeNode* root) {if(!root)returnvector<vector<int>>(); vector<vector<int> > res; queue<TreeNode*> q; q.push(root);while(!q.empty()) { vector<int> level;intsize = q.size();for(inti =0; i < size; ++i) { TreeN...
Plus Minus hackerrank solution in C Difference between the malloc(), calloc(), realloc() functions in C Linker Error in C Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm in C Standard Deviation program in C C program to draw a tree Strtok_r in C Ispunct() function in C Find the Maximum Element in an...
* TreeNode *left; * TreeNode *right; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} * };*/classSolution { vector<vector<int>>ret;intgo(TreeNode *p)//return max height{if(!p)return0;inthl = go(p->left);inthr = go(p->right);inth = max(hl, hr) +1;if(h...
Accepted Code: 1/**2* Definition for binary tree3* struct TreeNode {4* int val;5* TreeNode *left;6* TreeNode *right;7* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}8* };9*/10classSolution {11public:12TreeNode *sortedArrayToBST(vector<int> &num,intstart,intend) {...
One TopCoder article introduces a very interesting alternative solution to Longest Common Sequences problem. It is based on this statement ( The important point that allows us to use BS is the fact that if the gi...
LintCode "Binary Tree Serialization" 2025年2月> 日一二三四五六 2627282930311 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 2324252627281 2345678 Here is a BFS solution which is compatible with LeetCode binary tree format. View Code
LeetCode "Validate Binary Search Tree" This is to test your knowledge on BST and its traversal. Flatting BST into an array using in-order, and check that array. It is that simple: classSolution {public:voidserial(TreeNode *root, vector<int> &vec)...
typedef unordered_map<int, unsigned>HM;classSolution { HM go(TreeNode*p) {if(!p)returnHM(); auto rl= go(p->left); auto rr= go(p->right); HM r=rl;for(auto &kv : rr) r[kv.first] +=kv.second; r[p->val] ++;returnr; ...