个人感觉没什么优点,具体参见文章:“多位格雷码计数器的VerilogHDL描述方法”。 8bit格雷码计数器的代码: 1module gray_counter(2rst_n,3clk,4bin_cnt,//输出二进制,可用于同步时钟域的计算、比较等5gray_cnt//输出格雷码,可用于异步传输6);78parameter CNT_SIZE =8;910input rst_n;11input clk;1213output ...
1//http://www.cnblogs.com/adamite/archive/2008/10/20/1314949.html2//example23moduleGrayToBinary2 (binarycode, graycode);4parametern =4;//this module is parameterizable5outputreg[n-1:0] binarycode;6input[n-1:0] graycode;7integeri;8always@ (graycode)9begin10binarycode[n-1]=graycod...
格雷码(GrayCode)转⼆进制码(BinaryCode)学习verilog generate语句时,偶然看到⽤generate语句来进⾏格雷码到⼆进制码转换的代码,就从⽹上找了⼀些案例来学习。下表为⼏种⾃然⼆进制码与格雷码的对照表:⼗进制数⾃然⼆进制数格雷码⼗进制数⾃然⼆进制数格雷码 000000000810001100 1000100019100...
FPGA实现7位数码管显示(Verilog+VHDL) ://url.elecfans.com/u/97edd21e88VHDL代码:[code]library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Binary 飞雪9366 2019-07-18 09:00:00 TTY6502电容式触摸按键芯片 2022-11-10 11:19:21 74185 74185 - BCD-to-Binary and Binary-to-BCD Converters - ...
Verilog HDL: Digital Design and Modeling Release Problems STRUCTURAL MODELING Module Instantiation Ports Unconnected Ports Port Connection Rules Design Examples Gray-To-Binary Code Converter BCD-To-Decimal Decoder Modulo-10 Counter Adder/Subtractor Four-Function ALU Adder and High-... J Cavanagh 被引量...
1//Verilog LRM 1364-2005.pdf P1842modulegray2bin (bin, gray);3parameterSIZE =4;//this module is parameterizable4output[SIZE-1:0] bin;5input[SIZE-1:0] gray;67genvari;8generate9for(i=0; i<SIZE; i=i+1)begin:bit10assignbin[i] = ^gray[SIZE-1:i];11//i refers to the implicit...
verilog实现: 格雷码计数可以用两种方式实现,一种是状态机,但是如果计数器的位数很大,比如6位,就得用至少64个状态,非常麻烦,另外一种方法是设计一个二进制计数器,通过它来计数,然后利用binary-gray的编码就可以得到对应的格雷码计数器。 还有一种方法,不是很常用,也很复杂,是通过组合逻辑直接产生格雷码的,而不需要...
Binary-to-BCD Converter Structural Solution 1. Clear all bits of z to zero 2. Shift B left 3 bits z[8:3] = B[5:0]; Steps to convert a 6-bit binary number to BCD 1. Clear all bits of z to zero 2. Shift B left 3 bits z[8:3] = B[5:0]; 3. Do 3 times if Units...
This page of verilog sourcecode covers 4 Bit Binary to Gray Counter Converter using verilog. Symbol Following is the symbol and truth table of 4 bit binary to gray counter converter. Truth TableRst Clk En B3 B2 B1B0 G3 G2 G1 G0 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1...
有限状态机编码对比 独热码(One-Hot Encoding) 很多独热码使用方法都是错的,没有起到简化译码的效果 独热码编码的最大优势在于状态比较时仅仅需要比较一个位 There are3 main pointsto making high speed state machines by one-hot encoding: Use 'parallel_case' and 'full_case' directives on a 'case ...