im trying to make a BCD converter with 5 input but there is something wrong with what I have here. --- Quote End --- Actually there is not 'something' wrong: that code is completely wrong. Google "binary bcd converter verilog" and you'll get tons of code samples....
1 ECE3829 Class Examples: Binary to BCD Converter 1. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) number system You should now be familiar with the Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal Number System. If we view single digit values for hex, the numbers 0 – F, they represent the values 0 - 15 in decimal. Oft...
Binary-to-BCD Converter Double-Dabble Binary-to-BCD Conversion Algorithm Basic Idea Y X, X is a 4-bit binary number Y is a 4-bit binary number (Binary to binary) ⇒can be done by only shifting ex: 1011 1011 (shift left 4 times ) Y is a BCD number (Binary to BCD)11011 1011...
Here we explore the use of Negative control lines for detecting overflow logic of BCD adder which considerably reduces Quantum cost, delay and gate count which result in high speed BCD adder with optimized area which give way to lot of scope in the field of reversible computing in near future...
I have some problem with the implementation of unsigned decimal to binary conversion. I need this conversion for my 32-bits fast adder design. Could anybody tell me how to hold an unsigned decimal value in verilog? my algorithm for the code is as below: module converter(...
Verilog HDL: Digital Design and Modeling Release Problems STRUCTURAL MODELING Module Instantiation Ports Unconnected Ports Port Connection Rules Design Examples Gray-To-Binary Code Converter BCD-To-Decimal Decoder Modulo-10 Counter Adder/Subtractor Four-Function ALU Adder and High-... J Cavanagh 被引量...
Here we explore the use of Negative control lines for detecting overflow logic of BCD adder which considerably reduces Quantum cost, delay and gate count which result in high speed BCD adder with optimized area which give way to lot of scope in the field of reversible computing in near future...
im trying to make a BCD converter with 5 input but there is something wrong with what I have here. --- Quote End --- Actually there is not 'something' wrong: that code is completely wrong. Google "binary bcd converter verilog" and you'll get tons of code samples....