1/*solution 1:Non-Recursion(Recommand)*/2publicList<Integer>preorderTravelsal(TreeNode root) {3Stack<TreeNode> stack =newStack<TreeNode>();4List<Integer> preorder =newArrayList<Integer>();56if(root ==null)7returnpreorder;8stack.push(root);9while(!stack.empty()) {10TreeNode node =stac...
二叉搜索树的基本操作包括searching、traversal、insertion以及deletion。 (代码为了省地方没有按照规范来写,真正写代码的时候请一定遵照规范) ① searching tree * search_tree(tree *l, item_type x){if(l ==null)returnNULL;if(l->item == x)returnl;if(x < l->item){return(search_tree(l->left, x...
// Binary Search Tree IteratorpublicclassBSTIterator{publicBSTIterator(TreeNoderoot){stack=newStack<>();while(root!=null){stack.push(root);root=root.left;}}/**@returnwhether we have a next smallest number */publicbooleanhasNext(){return!stack.isEmpty();}/**@returnthe next smallest number ...
至于hasNext方法的话,判断队列是否为空即可。 classBSTIterator{Queue<Integer>queue=newLinkedList<>();publicBSTIterator(TreeNoderoot){inorderTraversal(root);}privatevoidinorderTraversal(TreeNoderoot){if(root==null){return;}inorderTraversal(root.left);queue.offer(root.val);inorderTraversal(root.right);...
The tree is known as a Binary Search Tree or BST. Traversing the tree There are mainlythreetypes of tree traversals. Pre-order traversal In this traversal technique the traversal order is root-left-right i.e. Process data of root node ...
# tree definitionclassTree(object):def__init__(self,root=None):self.root=root# node in-order traversal(LDR)deftraversal(self):traversal(self.root)# insert nodedefinsert(self,value):self.root=insert(self.root,value)# delete nodedefdelete(self,value):self.root=delete(self.root,value) ...
1.查找某一个元素 基于Binary Search Tree 的有序特性 To search a given key in Bianry Search Tree, we fi...
Tree traversal is the process of visiting each node in the tree exactly once. Visiting each node in a graph should be done in a systematic manner. If search result in a visit to all the vertices, it is called a traversal. There are basically three traversal techniques for a binary tree ...
data in a non-linear fashion. After discussing the properties of binary trees, we'll look at a more specific type of binary tree—the binary search tree, or BST. A BST imposes certain rules on how the items of the tree are arranged. These rules provide BSTs with a sub-linear search ...