这个遍历方式也是LeetCode中 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 一题的解法之一。 附题目,Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Given a binary tree, return theinordertraversal of its nodes' values. For example: Given binary tree{1,#,2,3}, 1 \ 2 / 3 return[1,3,2]. Note:Recursive solution is trivial,...
Given a binary search tree, print the elements in-order iteratively without using recursion.Note:Before you attempt this problem, you might want to try coding a pre-order traversal iterative solution first, because it is easier. On the other hand, coding a post-order iterative version is a ...
publicList<Integer>inorderTraversal3(TreeNoderoot){List<Integer>ans=newArrayList<>();TreeNodecur=root;while(cur!=null){//情况 1if(cur.left==null){ans.add(cur.val);cur=cur.right;}else{//找左子树最右边的节点TreeNodepre=cur.left;while(pre.right!=null&&pre.right!=cur){pre=pre.right;}...
* struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left; * TreeNode *right; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: vector<int> inorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) { vector<int> ret; if(!root) return ret; TreeNode* cur = root; ...
Preorder traversal starts printing from the root node and then goes into the left and right subtrees, respectively, while postorder traversal visits the root node in the end. #include<iostream>#include<vector>using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::string;using std::vector;structTreeNode{...
# tree definitionclassTree(object):def__init__(self,root=None):self.root=root# node in-order traversal(LDR)deftraversal(self):traversal(self.root)# insert nodedefinsert(self,value):self.root=insert(self.root,value)# delete nodedefdelete(self,value):self.root=delete(self.root,value) ...
*/classSolution{public List<Integer>inorderTraversal(TreeNode root){List<Integer>result=newLinkedList<>();TreeNode current=root;TreeNode prev=null;while(current!=null){// left firstif(current.left==null){result.add(current.val);current=current.right;}// if there is left, get the rightmost...
12 vector<int> inorderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { 13 vector<int> res; 14 if(root==NULL) return res; 15 stack<TreeNode*> s; 16 TreeNode* cur=root; 17 while(cur||!s.empty()){ 18 while(cur!=NULL){ 19 s.push(cur); 20 cur=cur->left; ...
Post - Order Traversal Consider the following binary tree... 1. In - Order Traversal ( leftChild - root - rightChild ) In In-Order traversal, the root node is visited between the left child and right child. In this traversal, the left child node is visited first, then the root node ...
In this article, we will discuss 3 different techniques for Level Order Traversal of a binary tree. This technique can be used to find the left and right view of the tree.