This section of the document provides common details about the command line options for the following tools: cuobjdump nvdisasm nvprune Each command-line option has a long name and a short name, which are interchangeable with each other. These two variants are distinguished by the number of hyph...
We've kept the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable major version number the same for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022. That means only one instance of the Redistributable can be installed at a time. A newer version overwrites any older version that's already installed. For example,...
length - Maximum number of bytes to be read from the path. chunkSize - The requested size for each read of the path. Returns: A new BinaryData.fromFlux public static Mono fromFlux(Flux data) Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given Flux of ByteBuffer. Create an instance f...
For example, consider the binary number 10110 represented in the following way: 1×24= 16+ 0×23= 0+ 1×22= 4+ 1×21= 2+ 0×20= 022 Thus, the binary number 10110 represents the decimal number 22. In a similar manner, ...; //codec //the number of bytes to read is determined by the leading bit of each individual bytes //(if the first bit of a byte is 1, then another byte is expected to follow) class VariableLengthByteArray implements Codec{ private static TemplateParser TEMPLATE_PARSER =...
double: 64-bit IEEE floating point number Endian-ness / Byte Order When defining a structure, the default is to use "big endian" byte order when reading/writing numbers. You can change the default by specifying options to the constructor. For example: ...
124 number ::= ... // little-endian format for [u]int(16|32|64), whereas125 // double is stored in a platform-independent, eight-byte126 // format using float8store()127 128 string ::= data-length utf8mb4-data129 130 custom-data ::= custom-type data-length binary-data131...
Table A-1Top-level fields for remote notifications Field name Length Discussion Command 1 byte Populate with the number2. Frame length 4 bytes The size of the frame data. Frame data Variable length The frame contains the body, structured as a series of items. ...
Reports the construction of a binary vector for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, pBIN20, which contains a superlinker region located between the left and the right Ti border sequences. Reason for the complicated production of transgenic plant lines; Total number of unique restriction ...
The maximum number of transactions to wait for before aborting the current delay as specified by binlog_group_commit_sync_delay. If binlog_group_commit_sync_delay is set to 0, then this option has no effect. binlog_max_flush_queue_time Command-Line Format --binlog-max-flush-queue-tim...