示例数据集:kaggle上面的癌症数据集 Histopathologic Cancer Detection Histopathologic Cancer.png 引入包及相关参数 %matplotlib inlineimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltfromPILimportImage,ImageDrawimportnumpyasnpimportpandasaspdimportosimportcopyimporttorchimporttorch.nnasnnfromtorch.utils.dataimportDataset,DataLoader,random_spl...
deep-learningpytorchkaggleartificial-intelligencekaggle-competitionkaggle-datasetsegmentation-modelsefficientunetpytorch-lightningwandbbinary-segmentationsementic-segmentationvesuviusunet3dink-detectionvesuvius-challenge-ink-detectionvesuvius-challenge UpdatedFeb 18, 2024 ...
This study utilized a real-time one-year dataset recorded in 10-minute intervals by the wind turbine SCADA system spanning from January to December 2018 obtained from the Kaggle repository (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets). The datasets consist of wind speed, generated wind power, and wind dir...
Our technique is both hardware effective and adaptable when it comes to DED classification.The experiments used the Kaggle dataset. Our methodology employs a variety of technique for processing images like, Extraction and BCNNbased classification. The proposed design is extremel...
N.C. Virus, Dataset, Kaggle. Retrieved 25 September 2020 from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sudalairajkumar/novel-corona-virus-2019-dataset Iwendi, C., Bashir, A. K., Peshkar, A., Sujatha, R., Chatterjee, J. M., Pasupuleti, S., Mishra, R., Pillai, S., & Jo, O. (2020)...
dataset such as in our case, if we don't balance positive and negative labels, we need to be careful a proper threshold for the classifier, different from the 0.5 (0.09 could be a good choice in this problem since positive/negtative labels volume equals to 0.09 in the training dataset)...
Here, I will use anRinterface toKerasthat allows training neural networks. The other thing is that thedataset shared for the challengeis big, like 280Go big. It took me a day to download it. For the sake of illustration, I will use a similar but much lighter datas...
But also if the data contains factual numbers, this logic will not work: as another example, let's consider the Iris dataset: imagine in one category we have 100 specimens with sepal length 5, and in the other 500 specimens with sepal lenght 1. In both case the sum is 500. So again...
In order to explore, disentangle, and predict cancellation behavior, we initialized this project based on a recent and popular dataset on kaggle: ProjectDetails Goal To predict whether a specific hotel booking will be cancelled Data Hotel booking demand on Kaggle Data File hotel_bookings.csv Data ...
用法背景:RDD(Resilient Distributed Dataset):弹性分布式数据集,是Spark中最基本的数据处理模型;代码中是一个抽象类,它代表一个弹性的、不可变、可分区、里面的元素可并行 计算的集合。弹性存储的弹性:内存与磁盘的自动切换;容错的弹性:数据丢失可以自动恢复;计算的弹性:计算出错重试机制;分片的弹性:可根据需要重新分片...