{ "type": "AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings" } }, "enableStaging": false, "parallelCopies": 4 }, "inputs": [ { "referenceName": "sourceDataset", "type": "DatasetReference" } ], "outputs": [ { "referenceName": "sinkDataset", "type": "DatasetReference" } ] } ], "annotation...
Fig. W2Process of updating the binary positions using the HBO. Fig. W3Convergence comparison of the IBQANA and comparative algorithms. Fig. W4Comparison of the IBQANA and comparative algorithms on novel coronavirus 2019 dataset in ...
示例 2 # Optimizing all members of library # Note: we don't compile a member optimized earlier and found in the OUT dataset BOPT IN=SYSBIN(*) OUT=SYSBOUT REPLACE=N 示例 2 显示了如何向 SYSIN 文件添加两整行参考注释. 示例 3 BOPT IN=SYSBIN(*) OUT=SYSBOUT # 第 5 章 优化模块 23 ...
App_CORE.EngineAPI.WorkspaceFunction.DeleteDataset(pws, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(btnEdit3.Text),"RasterDataset"); }else{ btnEdit3.Text="";this.Cursor =Cursors.Default;return; } } ProjectRaster pProject=newProjectRaster(); pProject.in_raster=btnEdit1.Text; pProject.in_coor_system=this.i...
Additionally, you can specify the file extensions you want to store in Azure Blob Storage in the Sink dataset of the Copy activity. Here are the high-level steps to achieve this scenario: Create a Binary dataset in ADF that points to your on-prem SQL Server database. Create a Sin...