The classifier is trained by minimizing a binary cross-entropy loss (Eq. (9.4)), which can be defined in PyTorch as follows: Sign in to download full-size image Show moreView chapterExplore book Object Classification Methods Cheng-Jin Du, Da-Wen Sun, in Computer Vision Technology for Food ...
During optimization, the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001 was used, along with categorical cross-entropy as the loss function. Details of the hyperparameters used in our model are summarized in Table 2. Fig. 3 Architecture of pACP-HybDeep model. Full size image Table 2 Optimal ...
we consider the protein function as classified by the original Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS). The result carried out by our method, i.e. the high relevance of the protein function associated to the category P (protein synthesis) as shown...
A binary structure in Computer Science refers to a planar structure composed of two kinds of materials, where each element is filled with either material 1 or material 2, represented by a distribution function. AI generated definition based on: Intelligent Nanotechnology, 2023 ...
To justify Theorem 11, first use (11) and (13) to expand the cumulant generatingfunction of Wn. The result is CGFWn(t)=itnω1+(it)22(1+ω2n)+(it)36nω3+(it)424nω4+o(n−1). Second, use the inversion formula (17) and the above expansion to obtain fn(w)=12π∫−∞∞...
During training, we use the normalized temperature-scaled cross-entropy loss (NT-Xent) [53] to optimize the model parameters, making the similar functions’ embeddings closer in the semantic space. 4.1. Preprocessor The preprocessor generates the function features used by the Block Semantic Model ...
Figure 1. Numbers of all 2 N bitstrings (red), balanced bitstrings, | B k ( N ) | (green), ringed bitstrings, | R k ( N ) | (cyan), and balanced, ringed bitstrings, | E k ( N ) | (blue) as a function of the bitstring length, N. Table 3. Bitstring length: N; ...
By adding the L1 regularization term to the loss function, the weights of some unimportant operations tend toward zero, thereby reducing the model complexity and improving the generalization ability. But applying only L1 regularization may result in the weight of some operations becoming very close ...
The second method corresponds to the Li algorithm [37], which suggests minimizing the mutual entropy between the initial and the binary image (thresholded image). This is achieved by a distance measure based on the minimum cross entropy. By applying such theoretical distance, the optimal threshold...
The linear correlations for monazite and xenotime are generally parallel (Figure 3), which agrees with the correlations for different isostructural families with the same chemical formula [21,27,28]. The coefficient b in Equation (8) seems to only be related to the stoichiometry of solids [...