Current exchange trading rules and symbol information. Get Live Ticker Price Latest price for a symbol or symbols. If the symbol is not sent, prices for all symbols will be returned in an array. Get Recent Trades Get recent trades (up to last 1000). Get Exchange Information Operation ID:...
As the name suggests, Binance Coin or BNB originally started as an extension of the trading platform - the most used cryptocurrency exchange in the world. It initially functioned on the Ethereum blockchain network as an ERC-20 token, offering incentives to owners like reduced ...
The program shows the order book for the LTCBUSD symbol on the Binance exchange. The buys are displayed in a green table and the sells in a red table. We use thego-prettypackage to create the tables. tickers, err := client.NewDepthService().Symbol("LTCBUSD").Limit(15). Do(context...
FuturesOrderBook, RawFuturesTrade, AggregateFuturesTrade, FundingRateHistory, FuturesSymbolOrderBookTicker, OpenInterest, ModeChangeResult, PositionModeParams, PositionModeResponse, MultiAssetModeResponse, NewOrderResult, NewOrderError, OrderResult, CancelFuturesOrderResult, CancelAllOpenOrdersResult, FuturesAccou...
1. 现货 SPOT frombinance_interface.apiimportSPOT 1.1 账户接口 SPOTAccount frombinance_interface.api.spotimportSPOTAccount 1.2 策略交易接口 SPOTAlgo frombinance_interface.api.spotimportSPOTAlgo 1.3 行情接口 SPOTMarket frombinance_interface.api.spotimportSPOTMarket ...
3.1 当前最优挂单 get_ticker_bookTicker 3.2 最新价格 get_ticker_price 3.3 24hr价格变动情况 get_ticker_24hr 4. 历史K线 get_klines 5. 深度信息 get_depth 6. 成交查询 6.1 近期成交列表 get_trades 6.2 查询历史成交 get_historicalTrades 6.3 近期成交(归集) get_aggTrades 6. 交易规范信息 get_exch...