Binance TR是全球知名的数字货币交易平台Binance在土耳其设立的分支机构。作为一家中心化交易所,它提供了多种数字货币的买卖服务,并以其高效、便捷和安全等特点而备受用户青睐。 软件亮点 1. 精选品种:Binance TR提供了100多个数字货币品种,涵盖了行业内大部分主流数字货币。 2. 交易手续费低:相较于其他中心化交易所...
金色财经报道,Binance在社交媒体X表示,Binance TR获得由BSI Turkey颁发的信息和数据安全证书。
币界网报道:Binance在社交媒体X表示,Binance TR获得由BSI土耳其颁发的信息和数据安全证书。赞 分享 232 收藏 发表评论 发表评论 暂无评论推荐专栏Boss Wallet Boss Wallet Web3 Econom Pass 币圈最前线 专注币圈最新资讯 Web3掘金者 通俗浅显地聊透Web3大事小情 浑水区块链 读懂区块链生态与未来,尽在币...
币界网报道:加密货币投资者正在面临越来越多的欺诈活动,如直接电话和误导性消息。尤其是Binance TR用户,需要保持警惕并采取预防措施保护账户安全。常见的骗局包括声称用户的帐户受限制或来自MASAK的通知等虚假信号。建议忽略所有可疑信息并将其立即删除以避免经济损失。 How to report Bugs or suggest Improvements? List of planned features - click if you need one of them or suggest a new feature! Before you report a bug, try the latest release. If the issue still exi...
Learn about Binance's spot, margin, and crypto derivatives exchange. We also explain Binance's loans, pools, and Binance Suite features.
For even more convenience and flexibility, Trality has partnered with Binance to offer the Trality Wallet, allowing users to directly deposit funds (credit card, bank transfer, Apple Pay, or Google Pay) and immediately start trading 350+ cryptos immediately. ...
:chart: A complete and heavily tested wrapper with typings for the Binance API. - Filip3Dev/binance-api-full-node