A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges - GitHub - Dan-krm/ccxt at binanceCreateOrderPostOnly
Binance is the world’s largest cryptoasset marketplace by trading volume*. Trusted by 240M users worldwide, the Binance platform allows you to buy, sell, and ho…
1. 打开币安经纪商网站,点击页面右上角的“注册”,会出现注册表格。 2. 选择注册方式。单击“使用电话或电子邮件注册”。 3. 选择[电子邮件]或[电话号码]并输入您的电子邮件地址/电话号码。然后,为您的帐户创建一个安全密码。 笔记: 您的密码必须至少包含 8 个字符,包括一个数字和一个大写字母。 如果您被朋...
A federal judge last month rejected a request by Binance founder Changpeng "CZ"Zhaoto travel to his home in the United Arab Emirates for the "hospitalization and surgery" of a person in his life even though he offered to post his Binance equity as security for his return t...
Alex Hern and Dan Milmo – The Guardian Chatbots are taking away a key line of defence against fraudulent phishing emails by removing glaring grammatical and spelling errors, according to experts. The warning comes as policing organisation Europol issues an international advisory about the potential ...
2月 6 日,去中心化社交协议 Farcaster 联合创始人 Dan Romero 在社交媒体发文解释为什么用户不能使用加密货币注册 Farcaster 时表示,「Farcaster 专注于用户增长,为了实现这一目标,其将注册过程尽可能地设计得像 Web2——以移动端为先,无需钱包,无需加密货币。」 ...
2月 23 日,去中心化社交协议 Farcaster 宣布支持 Solana 地址验证功能。据联合创始人 Dan Romero 透露,该功能作为协议的一部分,实现了去中心化和无需许可的访问,允许开发者在 Hubs 上自由构建与用户 Solana 钱包交互的框架。 Ronin 疑似被盗 300 万枚 RON 代币,价值约合 1000 万美元 ...
据Spot On Chain监测,peedan.eth在过去1小时内通过Binance以平均1,305美元的价格出售了1,960枚MKR(256万美元),亏损20.7 万美元(-7.05%)。...
wxydnqlmateqyqqdjhbl chenyuxiangyanzhongweifandangdezuzhijilv、lianjiejilv、gongzuojilvheshenghuojilv,gouchengyanzhongzhiwuweifabingshexianshouhuifanzui,qiezaidangdeshibadahoubushoulian、bushoushou,xingzhiyanzhong,yingxiangelie,yingyuyansuchuli。yiju《zhongguogongchandangjilvchufentiaoli》《zhonghuarenmin...
Binance交易所是生产塑料binance官网注册械设备的专业厂家,座落在浙江东南沿海地区,这里工业经济基础雄厚,有良好的政策基础,优越的投资环境,迅捷的通讯手段。本厂与224省道,G1523高速公路相临,距台州机场45公里、宁波机场100多公里,交通十分便利。 建厂投产以来,一直坚守以人为本,诚信立业的原则。致力于生产、技术、管理...