一个用python对Binance官方文档进行简明开发的开源项目,欢迎参与; 初始化. bn_api = BinanceAPI(api_key='your own api here', secret_key='your own secret here', account_type='spot'…
USER_DATAEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature. USER_STREAMEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key. MARKET_DATAEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key. TRADE和USER_DATA需要加密验证 密钥验证 对请求使用HMAC SHA256加密方式,使用个人账户里的secretKey和要请求的所有参数一起做HMAC加...
请求API:/api/v1/exchangeInfo. 可以在rateLimits结果中查询请求的频率限制是多少 安全类型 每个端的安全类型决定着如何来交互 API-keys和secret-keys非常敏感,要妥善保管 TRADE和USER_DATA需要加密验证 密钥验证 对请求使用HMAC SHA256加密方式,使用个人账户里的secretKey和要请求的所有参数一起做HMAC加密处理 所有的...
import com.binance.api.client.domain.market.TickerPrice; //创建Binance API客户端 BinanceApiClientFactory factory = BinanceApiClientFactory.newInstance(apiKey, secretKey); BinanceApiRestClient client = factory.newRestClient(); //查询账户余额 Account account = client.getAccount(); System.out.println(...
When creatingSpotClient,WebSocketStreamClientorWebSocketApiClient, you use one of the following types of Signature Generator to create signatures (for SIGNED endpoints) based on your security preference: HmacSignatureGenerator- Use of API Key and Secret Key. ...
API key不正确。 在PostmanHeaders选项卡中未选择X-MBX-APIKEY。 Q: 错误Signature for this request is not valid. 有几种可能性: 未设置 Secret key。 选中的参数其中内至少一个参数没有赋值。 signature参数不在参数列表的最后。 Q: 错误Mandatory parameter 'xxxx' was not sent, was empty/null, or mal...
Close old connection tokens and create a new connection with token(listenKey) publicTask<string>StartAsync() Example AuthClientclient=newAuthClient("apikey","secretkey");StreamEndPointstreamPoint=newStreamEndPoint(client);// only AuthClientstringlistenKey=awaitstreamPoint.StartAsync(); ...
API-keys are passed into the Rest API via the X-MBX-APIKEY header. API-keys and secret-keys are case sensitive. API-keys can be configured to only access certain types of secure endpoints. For example, one API-key could be used for TRADE only, while another API-key can access everyth...
client = Client(api_key, api_secret) get market depth depth = client.get_order_book(symbol='BNBBTC') place a test market buy order, to place an actual order use the create_order function order = client.create_test_order( symbol='BNBBTC',side=Client.SIDE_BUY,type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_MAR...