api_key = os.environ.get('binance_api') api_secret = os.environ.get('binance_secret') client =Client(api_key, api_secret) diccionario = client.get_account()["balances"] #Obtenervalores de balance df_binance =(diccionario)
} So to get to the balance values I tried: bal = client.get_account()foriinbal:if(i =='balances'):foreini:print(e) But this returned this: b a l a n c e s So how can I access my asset balances? Thanks in advance. get_asset_balance()method directly client.get_asset_balance(...
我找到了Binance官方API文档,并认为我应该使用: POST /api/v3/order (HMAC SHA256). 以下脚本不起作用,并给出一个状态代码: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized key <- "*[my key]*" secret <- "*[my secret key]*" url='https://api.binance.com/api/v3/order' timestamp <- as.character(jso 浏览9...
点此获取backtrader技术教程 有人对数字货币很感兴趣,以下backtrader代码从币安交易所在线api获取1分钟k线,执行简单的双均线策略回测,我测试了,可直接运行,不过要翻墙才行。大家体验一下数字货币回测吧。 注…
在Binance API中,可以通过相应的接口获取指定交易对的交易历史信息。 账户余额(Account Balance):账户余额是指用户在交易所中的资金余额。在Binance API中,可以通过相应的接口获取用户的账户余额信息。 API密钥(API Key):API密钥是用于访问Binance API的身份凭证。开发者需要在Binance交易所注册账户并生成API密钥,然后...
pbinance是完全基于Python语言对Binance交易所REST API接口的封装,包括:现货、U本位合约、币本位合约、欧式期权等功能。 本来想起名叫binance_api,但是这个名字被其他人已经申请了,就随手起名叫pbiance了 之所以花了花几天的时间去写一个Binance交易所的底层Python SDK,有这么几点原因: ...
Get latest price of a symbol asynchronously Placing a LIMIT order asynchronously Exception handling More examples Java Binance API binance-java-api is a lightweight Java library for interacting with theBinance API, providing complete API coverage, and supporting synchronous and asynchronous requests, as...
Test connectivity to the Rest API.Weight: 1Parameters: NONEResponse:{}Check server timeGET /api/v3/time Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.Weight: 1Parameters: NONEResponse:{ "serverTime": 1499827319559 }
API management.Here you can create your own APIs to access the markets and other Binance information in real time through third-party websites and mobile applications. The services of the Binance exchange that are not included in the “Personal Account” are available on the main page of the ...