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Tarbin, Stephanie and Susan Broomhall, eds, Women, Identities and Communities in Early Modern Europe (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World), Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008; hardcover; pp. xiii, 242; 12 b/w illustrations; R.R.P. US$99.95, 50.00 [...
Google Scholar Publication Impact (01/18/2025) https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NFeigSoAAAAJ&hl=en total citations = 18,223; h-index = 59; i10-index = 98 EDUCATION Ph. D., Computer Science ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science • Thesis: Animation Reconstruction of ...
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A key requirement of most current vision systems is the need for appropriate ambient lighting. As a result, costs associated with the lighting systems...Miguel Arias