SEARCH BIN DATABASE | BIN LOOKUP | BIN CHECKER How to use our BIN Search: - Enter the card’s BIN number in the search field below. BIN number refers to the first six digits of any card. - Enter the captcha code. - Click “Search”. ... Test API API Request ParameterRequiredTypeDefaultDescription bin-number yes string The BIN or IIN number. This is the first 6, 8 or 10 digits of a card number, use 8 (or more) digits for the highest level of accuracy customer-ip no string Pass in ...
BIN NUMBER STANDARDS ARE CHANGING; IS YOUR BUSINESS COMPLIANT?BIN numbers are in the process of moving over from the first six digits standard to a first eight digits standard that allows for greater accuracy. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) officially announced the new ...
Advertising Welcome to is a free tool that allows you to look up credit cards based on the first 6 digits of the card number (Bank Identification Number - BIN). Find out more about the issuer and the features of the credit card in your possession. ...
Bank Identification Number (BIN) or Issuer Identification Number (IIN) is the6 (or 7,8, and 9) digit numberon a bank card that gives details about the issuer of the card. It holds information about the bank, the country where the bank is located, card brand (such as Visa, MasterCard...
FraudLabs Pro utilies various mechanisms to increase the fraud detection accuracy, one of these is the credit card validation. In this demo, you can lookup for credit card issuer information recognized in our engine by using the front 6 or 8 digits BIN (Bank Identification Number) / IIN (Iss...
varlookup=require('binlookup')();// using callbackslookup('45717360',function(err,data){console.log(data);});// using promiseslookup('45717360').then(data=>console.log(data)); Exampledatareturned: {number:{length:16,luhn:true},scheme:'visa',type:'debit',brand:'Visa/Dankort',prepaid:fal...
Locate the front, long, big, imprinted number on the front side of the card. It is usually in the middle of the card. Do notice this is Not the expiry date, nor the CVV code on the back of the card Find the first 6 digit number to lookup ...
Label Bank Identification Number (6-8 digits) Slug bin_digits Required true Can have default value trueIngredients Is valid Determines if the BIN is valid or not. Slug isValid Filter code Greip.binLookup.IsValid Type String Example trueGet...
Bank Credit Card Number Generator- To generate valid (but fake) random Credit Card or Debit Card Numbers base on bank specific BIN. BIN Lists and Ranges- Information on BIN Lists and Ranges. API Lookup BIN Tools API Lookup Access- Documentation on our API Access tools. ...