Seal Team 6:-5 The Raid on Osama Bin Laden#高清电影,于2024年11月26日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
WASHINGTON – Those who planned the secret mission to get Osama bin Laden in Pakistan knew it was a one-shot deal, and it nearly went terribly wrong. The U.S. deliberately hid the operation from Pakistan, and predicted that national outrage over the breach of Pakistani sovereignty would make...
Pentagon investigation of bin Laden raid movie encouraged
Home 1 of 1 Bin Laden Raid (2013) Commander in Chief (2012) TitlesCommander in Chief, Bin Laden RaidBack to top
本拉登之死 Panorama: The Death of Bin Laden-电影剧情介绍 《本拉登之死 Panorama: The Death of Bin Laden》于2011-06-09上映。是由BBC执导, 演员奥萨马·本·拉登主演的《本拉登之死 Panorama: The Death of Bin Laden》是一部纪录片类型电影。 十多年来,他被悬赏通缉、全力追捕。今晚本节目将全程...
(TV Movie) - Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Horses of God (2012) Self (archive footage) Top Priority: The Terror Within (2012) Self - Former Head of the Islamist Militant Terrorist Group Al-Qaeda (archive footage) The Hunt for Bin Laden (2012) (TV Movie) - Self (archive...
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written by Mark Boal and backed with gusto by the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA provided Bigelow and Boal with privileged access to officials and operators behind the hunt for Osama bin Laden—and not coincidently, their movie portrayed the CIA’s torture program as essential to the effort...
Osama bin Laden, the notorious Saudi Arabian militant and founder of al-Qaeda, orchestrated numerous terrorist attacks that shook the world and forever changed global security dynamics.
海豹六队:突袭奥萨马本拉登 Seal Team 6: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden电影剧情介绍 剧情介绍:自9·11事件以来,美国政府和老对手奥萨马·本·拉登展开了旷日持久的追逐战。历经两届小布什政府,本·拉登依然逍遥法外,有如幽灵一般神秘出没于中东的崇山峻岭和沙漠荒原之中。随着奥巴马政府上台,针对塔利班基地组织...