npm 安装 npm i bin-code-editor -S # or yarn add bin-code-editor 1. 2. 3. 引入 在main.js 中写入以下内容: import Vue from 'vue'; import CodeEditor from'bin-code-editor'; import'bin-code-editor/lib/style/index.css'; import App from'./App.vue'; Vue.use(CodeEditor);newVue({ e...
npm 安装 npm i bin-code-editor -S # or yarn add bin-code-editor 引入 在main.js 中写入以下内容: import Vue from 'vue'; import CodeEditor from'bin-code-editor'; import'bin-code-editor/lib/style/index.css'; import App from'./App.vue'; Vue.use(CodeEditor);newVue({ el:'#app', ...
yarn Develop #serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev Build #build for production with minification npm run build Readme Keywords bin-code-editor vue components npm ibin-code-editor Version 0.9.0
Try the editor online: How to Use Grab the contents of the dist/ folder, or download this zip. All contestants should be given a copy of the editor. Replace assets/page.png in the editor files with a screenshot of the page that is to be built in ...
The official Code in the Dark editor. Contribute to cnbin/editor development by creating an account on GitHub.
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我们在日常开发中经常使用sublime、vim、vs code等第三方的编辑器,这些编辑器可以使用很多插件来提高我们的编码效率,但是也往往会带来乱码的问题。我一般使用的是sublime来进行编码 2024-10-15 17:24:40 CalKit编辑器帮助文件如何获得 我安装了最新的数据链接软件,用于我的N9923A。 CalKit编辑器包含在包中,但编辑...