Biweekly Every two weeks; He visited his cousins fortnightly 20 Bimonthly Occurring every two months; Bimonthly visits 12 Biweekly Occurring or produced twice a week. The town newspaper is a biweekly publication. 15 Bimonthly Twice every month; semimonthly. They checked on his progress bimonthl...
英语角 English Corner 2020-06-03 Biweekly、Bimonthly、Biannual都什么意思呀?外国人都搞不清楚。MrGolfForShy鄱菲特 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多78 -- 3:25 App 英语角 English Corner 2020-06-14 身体单词 Body Parts Vocabulary 68 -- 2:34 App 英语角 English Corner 2020-06-...
一个bimonthly publication 可能是出双月刊,也可能是双周刊。同理可得, biweekly既可以是表示一周两次,也可以表示两周一次。 如果是biannual就不需要纠结了,biannual一年两次的(bi+ann[年]+ual→一年两次的),这里的bi是一分为二,biennial两年一次的(bi+enn年+ial→两年〔一次〕的),这里的bi是每两个。00分享...
Now, what if your boss schedules biweekly meetings with you? Does that mean they occur twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday, for instance) or that you meet one time every two weeks (the first and last Mondays of the month, say)? It could mean both! Then there’s biannual. A biannual...
In contrast tobiweeklyorbimonthly,semimonthlyonly means that something occurs twice a month, or every two weeks. Thus, hourly workers who are undersemimonthlypay will all have their wages paid out on the same payroll schedule. In other words, there is no ambiguity within the phrase. ...
Being an employer means choosing your pay frequency. You may be familiar with common schedules ... but have you heard of bimonthly payroll?
Patients and methods: Histologically confirmed measurable advanced gastric cancer, age 2), etoposide (360mg/m2), and cisplatin (80mg/m2) every 28 d; HD 5-FU arm: 5-FU 2.6 g/m2 24 h infusion, biweekly.doi:10.1007/s12032-007-0042-8I....
Patients and methods: Histologically confirmed measurable advanced gastric cancer, age 2), etoposide (360 mg/m2), and cisplatin (80 mg/m2) every 28 d; HD 5-FU arm: 5-FU 2.6 g/m2 24 h infusion, biweekly.doi:10.1007/s12032-007-0042-8I. P. Popov...