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BIMcollab ZOOM 3.2 is an application marketed by the software company KUBUS BV.Sometimes, people try to remove this application. Sometimes this is efortful because removing this manually takes some advanced knowledge related to removing Windows programs manually. The best SIMPLE solution to remove ...
Auf diese Weise können Sie den Ort des Issues heranzoomen und die problematischen Komponenten hervorheben. Darüber hinaus gehören zu den Issues auch Metadaten wie Issue-Beschreibungen, Status, Kommentare, Verantwortliche, Zuständigkeiten, Genehmigungsdaten und mehr. Darüber hinaus ...
Fixed a Zoom-to issue about Quick-zoom not unhiding elements previously hidden by Full Zoom. 2. Fixed a bug that caused Revit to crash after certain interactions e.g. editing of families. New feature- 1. IDS palette to display IDS specifications in the context of the Revit ...
This allows you to zoom-in on the issue location, highlighting the problematic components. Additionally, meta data such as issue descriptions, status, comments, assignees, responsibilities, approval data, and more, is also to the issues. Moreover, BIMcollab Nexus allows you to append area ...
With the BCF Manager for Revit issues can be imported, created and updated directly from Revit. All issues can contain viewpoints with camera positions and relevant objects. This allows you to zoom-in on the issue location, highlighting the problematic components. Additionally, meta data such as ...
New feature- 1. IDS palette to display IDS specifications in the context of the Revit model, in a human-readable format. Other improvements & bug fixes- 1. Fixed a Zoom-to issue about Quick-zoom not unhiding elements previously hidden by Full Zoom. 2. Fixed a bug that caused Revit to ...
This allows you to zoom-in on the issue location, highlighting the problematic components. Additionally, meta data such as issue descriptions, status, comments, assignees, responsibilities, approval data, and more is added to the issues. Moreover, BIMcollab Nexus allows you to append area ...