Looking for the best Autodesk Revit and BIM courses online? Asking yourself how you can learn Revit fast? Discover our highly acclaimed online Revit courses, taught by leading BIM experts.
GoPillar Academy offers courses to learn how to professionally use any architectural design software. Each of our courses is taught by highly qualified inst
We specialize in BIM Courses including Revit MEP, architecture, structure, education and training. For more details visit us or call us at +852 3468 5250.
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Best online courses in BIM from Purdue University, University System of Maryland, National Taiwan University and other top universities around the world
在這門課中,我們以業界廣為應用的建模軟體Autodesk Revit,作為教學工具。學習者將親自建置一棟六層樓住宅的BIM模型,並理解如何將工程施作流程,對應至BIM模型中。完成此課程後,將具備業界所需的BIM塑模能力。 View more details for this course 工程資訊管理 BIM 應用 這門課介紹BIM技術在工程上的應用,包括...
Autodesk Revit Level 1 BIM Level 1 Finite Element Analysis and Design Level 1 Software Development Level 1 Practical AI Level 1 BIMWERX Academy courses are composed of theoretical and practical training. Our courses are certified and require a minimum pass rate of 70%. Each course is ...
BimCourses Autodesk Revit for Architecture BIM Modeling Course Description: Autodesk Revit is a powerful BIM modeling tool used by architects throughout the globe to accomplish their projects. This course is designed to make the aspirants familiar with the functionality of Autodesk Revit for architec...
I was good at programs like Rhino and Revit before, but ThinkParametric courses really took my ability to manage projects and utilize parametric design tools to the next level. Elizabeth JonesArchitecture Intern Verified student The basics and advanced courses of ThinkParametric were perfect for me st...
這個課程就是能讓你通過 Revit 善用 BIM,在整個建築生命週期獲得其帶來高增值的效益。 時間表 | 留位 Play課程速覽 Revit Modeling 如果想以 Revit 成為 BIM 技能的入門軟件,並獲得 Revit Certified User 國際認證資格,這課程便十分適合你。 本課程和 Revit Certified User 的學習大綱逐點對應,讓學員可以 探索並...