3.4 BIM for Operations and Maintenance / BIM之于运营维护 0 目前,所有行业都在努力了解如何更好地将信息作为一种资产。设施所有者和经营者当然属于这个群体。产业里设施管理简称FM,是一个包含多个学科的专业,能通过整合人员、地点、过程和技术来确保建筑的功能性。因为以前的方法是依赖于2D模型来显示所有已知的信息...
(3) Defining strategies for engaging different actors in building operations and informing them about the behaviours of both buildings and users. (4) Providing control strategies when unexpected behaviours (e.g., energy-hungry behaviours, unusual comfort conditions and FM-related failures) are ...
So the concept of building information modeling is not so new, and over the course of 20 years, different standards have been developed around the world in order to facilitate the building industry implementing BIM effectively. 你们中的一些人可能认为BIM是很新的概念。即使对我来说,我第一次听到...
Project construction logistics are shared with trades and contractors to ensure optimum timing and efficiency. Operate BIM data carries over to operations and maintenance of finished assets. BIM data can be used down the road for cost-effective renovation or efficient deconstruction....
Furthermore, thanks to the digital model and detailed equipment information, BIM makes it easier to locate elements and technical rooms. This allows maintenance teams tointervene more efficiently, reducing the time needed to identify issues and minimizing disruptions in building operations. ...
Beyond that, this BIM use also plays a role during operations and maintenance; it streamlines asset management by including detailed information about the building's components, such as expected lifespan, maintenance schedules, and replacement costs. This, in turn, aids teams with managing energy ...
In order to fully release the power of BIM tools, the first step is to understand and clarify what the requirements of the facility management phase are for operations and maintenance activities. This paper proposes a process for knowledge accumulation and sharing for BIM-FM through the project ...
The mobile viewer can handle models of any size and allows you to navigate through buildings in 3D. Read more Mobile and BIM-based Operations & Maintenance Everything can be handled on mobile and on-site with the Dalux FM app, providing a tool for HelpDesk tickets, work orders, planned ...
The last step in the process is the operations and maintenance phase. The data collected thanks to those BIM software can help owners and facilities managers to better manage the buildings. The softwares are divided into different groups:
In order to assure the sustainability during construction, use, and maintenance, the end-users, facility managers, contractors and specialist contractors need to be involved in the planning and design processes. The implications of the new strategy are reflected in the changing roles of the building...