In this research, the authors have classified the respondents according to their qualification, years of experience, and position as shown in Table 2. The qualification of respondents was measured to be 46%, 24%, and 14% for bachelor’s degree, diploma, and high school, respectively. The per...
In our study, an investigation of the latest publications on academic BIM education has been conducted. Keywords such as “academic BIM education”, “BIM curriculum”, and “BIM course” were used to select publications ranging from 2010 to the present day using different search engines (e.g....
BIM 中国建筑标准设计研究院有限公司(简称“标准院”),隶属于中国建设科技集团,创建于1956年,前身是国家建委标准设计院,原为建设部直属的科研事业单位,2000年转制为中央科技型企业。标准院是目前国内唯一集标准规范、标准设计、工程设计、地下人防、产品认证、软件研发等于一体的综合型科研、设计与技术服务企业,在...