建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling,簡稱 BIM)是指透過數位「塑模」,管理建築資產整體生命週期中的各項資訊,包含從初始設計、施工、維護,乃至於最後拆除。BIM 的核心在於工程師、業主、建築師和承包商必須在三維虛擬建築環境(共同資料環境)中協同合作,並
We are pioneers in implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Virtual Design and Construction in the design process. We strive to optimize the considerable potential of these developing technologies as enablers of collaborative, efficient and effective building and infrastructure design. ...
Building information modelling allows design and construction teams to communicate about design and coordinate information across different levels that has been unseen before. This information remains with the project, from before beginning construction, right throughout its lifetime. It also helps to anal...
Building Information Modelling (BIM) stands for a collaborative method with which all data and information relevant to a building over its life cycle are consistently recorded, managed and exchanged and coordinated between the parties involved on the basis of digital models. This enables a diverse an...
Using Building Information Modelling (BIM) software, a team of transport infrastructure consultants, transport planners, designers and traffic specialists are working together to optimise the traffic management and refurbish the route in coming years, while increasing traffic safety and mitigating noise and...
建筑信息模型(BIM)是一个软件设计方法,用来生成复杂的,三维的陈述,其中包含智能信息有关建筑物的组成部分。 这是特别有用的设施管理人员。 A栋是“蓝本”实际上,之前身体构造它。建筑物的物理组件的数字表示在3D,这意味着彼此的各种设计元素的影响,可以分析的。 因此,潜在的问题和风险最小化,协调的元素,并采取行...
BIM (Building Information Modelling) 的概念最早由美国乔治亚技术学院建筑与计算机专业的Chuck Eastman博士提出,其将建筑物看作三维空间的数据信息集合,这种假设便是BIM概念的早期雏形。自BIM概念提出以来,对于BIM的准确定义仍然未完全形成统一,但可以确定的是,BIM不仅是一个模型(英文中 “Modelling” 更多强调一个正在进...
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a core process through planning, design and construction phases for the digitalization of the construction industry.
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实际上,当"城市信息模型"(CIM,City Information Modeling)这一概念刚开始变得火热时,"地理信息系统"(GIS,Geographic Information System)从业者远比 BIMer 们更早投身其中,这也不难理解,因为 GIS 天生就服务于城市级乃至地球级的场景建模与信息管理。迈克尔·泽勒在《Modelling...