The Real Billy the Kid is a landmark biography of the infamous Western outlaw: his brief childhood, gunfights, encounters with the Apaches, entanglement in the murderous feud known as the Lincoln County War, and finally his friendship with the man who ultimately killed him, Sheriff Pat Garrett...
A Debt Collected: Directed by Adam Kane. With Tom Blyth, Daniel Webber, Alex Roe, Nuria Vega. The del Toboscos fail to repay their debt, leading to an ambush by the 7 Rivers Gang; Billy vows that he and the Regulators will take over Lincoln and clear out
副标题: With New Light on the Lincoln County War (Recovering the Us Hispanic Literary Heritage)出版年: 1998-08页数: 144定价: USD 12.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781558852341豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐
The Day of the Dead: Directed by David Frazee. With Tom Blyth, Daniel Webber, Alex Roe, Shaun Benson. The Regulators have been on the defensive since the start of war, but Billy draws up a plan which could bring the war to an end.
The Agony: Directed by David Frazee. With Tom Blyth, Daniel Webber, Alex Roe, Linus Roache. Billy and the Regulators hear news that John Tunstall's ranch is going to be raided.
The Real Billy the Kid is a landmark biography of the infamous Western outlaw: his brief childhood, gunfights, encounters with the Apaches, entanglement in the murderous feud known as the Lincoln County War, and finally his friendship with the man who ultimately killed him, Sheriff Pat Garrett...
Was John Miller Billy the Kid? Was Billy the Kid real? Did Billy the Kid rob banks? Was Billy the Kid Irish? Was Billy the Kid gay? Was Billy the Kid a woman? Did Billy the Kid have any children? Did William Larock ride with Jesse James?
Around 1865, the family, together with Billy’s brother Joseph, traveled to Indiana and by 1870 they arrived in Wichita, Kansas where Mrs. McCarty opened a laundry service and worked in real estate to support the family. She was earning more than enough money for the four of them until a...
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1941's "Billy the Kid" followed the fictionalized Fox Western "Jesse James" by two years, another real life outlaw receiving the glossy Technicolor treatment, this time courtesy of MGM, remaking their 1930 talkie version that served as Robert Taylor's debut oater. The old story of an unscrup...