Billy Graham breaks ground on evangelistic center in North Carolina.(Knight Ridder Newspapers)Garfield, Ken
Charlotte, North Carolina Evangelist Billy Graham, sometimes called "God's ambassador" by his fans, was born on a spot now marked by a large monument. In 1918 it was a white clapboard house on a dairy farm; now it's a parking lot in a Charlotte suburb....
I spent the better part of 13 months in the early 1990s traveling to and from Mr. Graham’s home in Black Mountain, North Carolina, and his nearby ministry offices in Montreat. (I assisted him in writing the birth-through-the-Nixon-years for his autobiographyJust As I Am.) But even m...
Billy Graham In memory of televangelist and Walk of Famer Reverend Billy Graham, flowers were placed on the Center Island at Hollywood and La Brea on the Hollywood Walk of Fame due to Oscar® production on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. The star in the category of Television...
As most of our friends know, Billy and I, although we love our self reliant property in the Graham/Eatonville area, we really want to be near Randle. We’ve had a series of synchronicities involving the Randle area, and for several years have been keeping up with real estate as it be...
Heading to North Carolina: Billy Graham headquarters parting ways with MinnesotaStephen Scott
Billy Graham headquarters will move to North Carolina.(BUSINESS)Wolfe, Warren
Obama pays visit to ailing evangelist: ; President met with Billy Graham and his son in North CarolinaPHILIP ELLIOTT
Billy Graham(born November 7, 1918,Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.—died February 21, 2018, Montreat, North Carolina) was an Americanevangelistwhose large-scale preaching missions, known as crusades, and friendship with numerous U.S. presidents brought him to international prominence. ...