Evangelist Billy Graham recalls in his new book the pivotal point in his young ministry when, during a 1949 Los Angeles crusade, a two-word directive from publisher William Randolph Hearst to “puff Graham” made him an instant celebrity nationwide. The sudden front-page coverage showered on Gra...
Southern California, which Billy Graham likes to call his”second home,” has been good to the world-renowned evangelist. In 1949, the young, flashy dressing, Southern Baptist preacher burst into international prominence in Los Angeles during an eight-week tent crusade at the corner of Washington...
Still, Dr. Graham’s future appeared even brighter. The great Los Angeles crusade in the fall of 1949, held inside a hot Ringling Brothers circus tent, made Billy Graham a household name all across the nation. By the hundreds of thousands people were flocking to stadiums and arenas to hear...
Billy Graham and the Rest of the Los Angeles StoryCollin Hansen
Calendar of Documents and Related Historical Materials in the Archival Center, Archdiocese of Los Angeles for the Episcopate of the Right Reverend Thomas James Conaty/Researching Modern Evangelicalism: A Guide to the Holdings of the Billy Graham Center... ...
study him and attended his revivals say the answer is yes, though in less visible ways.An upward turnJustin Palilla, 17, can't recite facts and figures about Graham's career, such as the 1949 Los Angeles tent revival that made him an international figure, or the fact that he was the...
Evangelist Billy Graham wraps up historic four-day crusade in Los Angeles
Billy Graham came to Christ in 1934 under a tin-roofed tabernacle built for a revival led by the fiery evangelist Mordecai Ham.
000 and considerably more file into and out of Anaheim Stadium with remarkable ease. No one stops to admire the architecture anymore. They come to see the Angels and Rams and a variety of attractions ranging from Black Sabbath to Zubin Mehta, from Billy Graham to Willie Nelson, from mud-...
Graham began preaching in Los Angeles, where his crusade brought him national attention. He acquired this new fame in no small measure becausenewspapermagnateWilliam Randolph Hearst, impressed with the young evangelist’s preaching and anticommunistrhetoric, instructed his papers to “puff Graham.” Th...