In Billy collins' speech, the main goal was to revive poetry in a new way for people to expand their understanding of poetry. First, he used animation to a create a vivid understanding and illustrate his poems. Additionally, the use of animated poems helped in clarifying some of the importa...
Here are some poetry writing tips from poet Billy Collins: 1. Find your persona. Billy says, “I think when we write poems, we put a lot of ourselves in the closet, and we put on a better self—more sensitive, more in tune with emotions. I would suggest it’s a good idea to ...
1.Billy Collins: Im here to give you your recommended dietary allowance of poetry. 比利?柯林斯:我今天为大家推荐 您每日应摄取的 “诗”量。 2.And the way Im going to do that is present to you five animations of five of my poems. 而我与大家分享的方法, 就是向大家展示 我五首诗的 五个...
Peters, John