If you are behind him you can sometimes catch a glimpse oflittle bits of him because all the smoke is being blown out in the front. SomeMinpins say they have seen his back legs, huge and black and very hairy, shapedlike lions’ legs but ten times as big. And it is rumoured that ...
内容提示: 《比例和敏萍一家》(Billy and the Minpins) 单词统计本文档为《比例和敏萍一家》(Billy and theMinpins) 一书的单词统计。按章节顺序统计所有的生词,且严格按照单词在原文中出现的顺序整理。您可以使用此文档,预习这本书的单词,也可以在阅读完某个章节之后复习该章单词。Being Good本篇单词统计:GRE...
There he meets the Minpins, tiny tree-dwelling people whose children are the size of matchsticks. They live in fear of the terrible, galloping GRUNCHER. Will it gobble Bi... (展开全部) 我要写书评 Billy and the Minpins (illustrated by Quentin Blake)的书评 ···(全部 0 条) 当前版本...
> 华研外语 > Billy and the Minpins 英文原版 逃家男孩罗尔德达尔经典小说 2024新封面版 昆汀布莱克插画 英文版 华研外语官方旗舰店 Billy and the Minpins 英文原版 逃家男... Dahl,Roald著 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持
8 10我絕對不會忘記你們 54 2019-08 7 9為比利歡呼 27 2019-08 6 8緊緊抓住大天鵝 36 2019-08 5 6我們認識所有的鳥 38 2019-08 4 5大嚼怪知道你在樹上 30 2019-08 3 4我們是迷針族 62 2019-08 2 3呼呼,呼呼 34 2019-08 1 2快跑比利 ...
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