Verified and credible Billion Bright (HK) Corporation Limited company overview, qualified supplier, trader, manufacturer, vendor, distributor providing products and services on HKTDC Sourcing
亿辉行有限公司是一家香港公司,注册于沙田,坐落于安耀街上,该司已经成立了6年4个月8天。您可在線浏览亿辉行有限公司的英文名称、中文名称、历史名称、注册编号、成立日期、改名日期、董事等企业信息,并可为你提供“亿辉行有限公司”的信用报告服务。 BRIGHT BILLION CORPORATION LIMITED is a Hong Kong company. ...
Bright (OBB) in 2009 to help owners [...] 梁家騮議員: 主席,2009年,政府與香港房屋協會(“房協”)及市 區重建局(“市建局”)合作,以20億元推行“樓宇更新大行動”(“更新行 動 ”),協助約 2 000幢樓齡30年以上的目標樓宇的業主進行樓宇維修工 程。
the future of mid-IR lasers looks promising. Innovations in quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and interband cascade lasers (ICLs) are paving new paths for applications, presenting a bright horizon for this versatile technology to meet the ever-growing market ...
Press Release 30 March 2015 Everbright announces FY2014 annual results *** Net profit rises 90.1% to HK$2.56 billion AUM increases significantly, ventures into overseas M&As Results Highlights (HK$ million) Operating income - Management fee income - Consultancy fee income - Interest income - ...