碧梨Billie Eilish在最新采访称自己原先很讨厌单曲“true blue”,但这首歌在网络上泄出后改变了一切。 “我2022年在Tik Tok上刷到了自己没发行的弃曲true blue,我意识到这被泄露了。一开始我很愤怒,但后来我在Yo...
女王发言【转发】@BillieEilishNews:billieeilish超话 碧梨Billie Eilish更新Tik Tok:“说实话,这就是我在这个APP上天天看到的评论,滚你的,你奶子都没老娘大批话还多得要死。”“literally all i see o...
【MV首播】绝美!!碧梨BillieEilish演唱无暇赴死No Time To Die是【MV首播】绝美!!碧梨BillieEilish演唱无暇赴死No Time To Die的第1集视频,该合集共计2集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
652 -- 9:18 App 【中英】碧梨纽约Nike探店 | Billie Eilish 比莉·艾利什 1558 1 0:20 App 碧梨Billie Eilish为Eilish No.2拍摄的全新广告🦋 1328 -- 0:35 App 碧梨Billie Eilish更新tik tok💞适合梨粉自己体质的新歌mv reaction“showing some of the team t… 3123 -- 3:20 App 超萌又超能...
去抖音化的Billie Eilish,这才有了奥斯卡最佳主题曲《No Time To Die》,她转向Adult Contemporary,...
当时有许多听友对Billie改换风格大惑不解,回到我们前面“Billie Eilish的本质是Inide Pop”,马上下一题。因为碧梨根植于Indie,而非电子,因此在二专里她让自己不那么Tik Tok了,你自己好好想想,《Bad Guy》和那些短视频神曲有什么区别。我相信对于很多“大人”或“乐评人”来讲,碧梨二专一定更容易受到认可,同样...
Billie Eilish took to social media on Sunday night (July 11) to clap back at haters who dissed her latest music.
“Hi Israel, this is Billie Eilish, and I’m so excited that my new album, ‘Happier Than Ever,’ is out now,” she saidin a clipposted to her Tik Tok. The singer faced a lot of criticism on social media for acknowledging Israel’s existence through the innocuous greeting. ...
Billie Eilish took to social media on Sunday night (July 11) to clap back at haters who dissed her latest music.
That was back in late November. Fast forward to Friday, and Eilish decided to weigh in on the fight in what some of her fans called a "real mic drop" post. Eilish stitched Blanco's video and responded, "What do you do all day, Benny? The same thing. Literally, the ...