【开局乐评🌊】 碧梨 Billie Eilish 的新专辑《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT》在 Metacritic 的开局乐评为95分! 这张专辑在各大媒体中的表现相当亮眼: - The Independent (UK): 100分,称这张专辑像在奇妙的音乐迷宫中...
【碧梨】Billie Eilish 官宣第三张录音室专辑『HIT ME HARD AND SOFT』将于5月17日正式发行 00:37 【碧梨】Billie Eilish回归首单首曝预告片 00:41 【碧梨】Billie Eilish 于多伦多街头广告牌预告回归新era:她是车头灯,我是鹿 00:31 【碧梨】吐槽洋抖网红惹争议Billie Eilish昨天在人民选择奖中,无意被拍...
总体而言,这些评分显示出媒体对Billie Eilish这张专辑的制作水平、情感深度和创新表达的广泛赞赏。 (以上数据来源:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hit_Me_Hard_and_Soft) 流媒体数据 播放量:截至2024年9月底,Billie Eilish的新专辑《Hit Me Hard and Soft》在全球范围内的播放量已超过47亿次。 实体销量:该专辑...
#billieeilish[超话]##billie eilish# 碧梨🍐 新🧱 《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT》已上线 依旧是那个俏皮个性鬼马的🍐 这也是碧梨的第三张录音室专辑 目前在Metacritic 上获得了 92 (+1)的优秀分数。
碧梨Billie Eilish在最新采访中透露,她的新专辑《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT》封面是实景拍摄,为达到理想艺术效果,她竟在水中苦撑6小时,几度濒临死亡边缘,为了Billboard冠军之争真是在玩命。 01 近日,Billie Eilish的新专辑《Hit Me Hard and Soft》成为热议焦点。这张2024年5月17日发布的专辑,是她自2021年《Happier...
Watch Billie Eilish's 'Lunch' Video Below: Billie Eilish - LUNCH (Official Music Video) Subscribe toHot 107.9on READ MORE:Billie Eilish Thought It Was 'Obvious' She's Queer The song was released today alongside her latest album calledHit Me Hard and Soft. The project serves as her third ...
Billie Eilish - LUNCH (Official Music Video) Subscribe to1073 Popcrushon READ MORE:Billie Eilish Thought It Was 'Obvious' She's Queer The song was released today alongside her latest album calledHit Me Hard and Soft. The project serves as her third studio album and the follow up to 2021'...
Billie Eilish - LUNCH (Official Music Video) Subscribe toLite 98.7on READ MORE:Billie Eilish Thought It Was 'Obvious' She's Queer The song was released today alongside her latest album calledHit Me Hard and Soft. The project serves as her third studio album and the follow up to 2021'sHapp...
Watch Billie Eilish's 'Lunch' Video Below: Billie Eilish - LUNCH (Official Music Video) Subscribe toKISS FM 96.9on READ MORE:Billie Eilish Thought It Was 'Obvious' She's Queer The song was released today alongside her latest album calledHit Me Hard and Soft. The project serves as her thi...
Watch Billie Eilish's 'Lunch' Video Below: Billie Eilish - LUNCH (Official Music Video) Subscribe to98.3 KEYWon READ MORE:Billie Eilish Thought It Was 'Obvious' She's Queer The song was released today alongside her latest album calledHit Me Hard and Soft. The project serves as her third ...