Understand what a bill of exchange is by learning the bill of exchange definition. Learn how a bill of exchange is used through a bill of exchange...
1、1 Chapter two Negotiable Instruments 2 Bill of exchange(Draft) 1.What is a bill of exchange? A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (the Drawer) to another (the Drawee), signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is ...
Billofexchange 2.Essentialsofabillofexchange(1)theword“exchange”,“billofexchange”,or“draft”:汇票字样(whichisnotanecessaryitemaccordingtothelawofEngland)(2)anunconditionalorderinwriting(无条件支付命令):Anorder,notarequestaccepted:“payto……”unaccepted:“Wouldyoupleasepayto……”;”Ishall...
Sample Bill of Exchange Here’s a sample bill of exchange drawn up for the sum of Rs 20 lakhs on the 15th of August. This bill of exchange matures three months after the 15th of August – on the 15th of November, 2023. Format of Bill of Exchange Here is the information that a bill...
SampleofBillofExchange 票据名称金额出票地点出票日期 th ExchangeforGBP5000.00 付款时间 Beijing,5April,2003 收款人 无条件支付命令 At90daysaftersightpayto DafengCorp.ororder 卖方/出票人 thesumofFivethousandpoundsonlyTo:HWTIncorporationaddressxxxxxxx 付款人/受票人 ForSXOCompay,Ltd.Linsen,Zhang,manager ...
A bill of exchange can also be called a draft or a bill.A typical bill of exchange is drawn in this manner:In the sample bill shown above, the bill is drawn by Samuel Smith on Helen Brown, payable to Jim Green. In other words, Samuel Smith is the drawer who draws the bill. Helen...
BILL OF EXCHANGE 150601 Chapter8 Billofexchange 8.1TheImplicationofBillofExchange Thebillofexchange,commonlyreferredtoasthedraftorthebill,isanunconditionalorderinwriting,signedandaddressedbythedrawer(theexporterusually)tothedrawee(theconfirmingbankortheissuingbankusually),requiringthedraweetopaythedrawerorpayon...
汇票 Bill of Exchange EnglishDocumentingforForeignTrade Chapter4BillofExchange 1 BillofExchange 定义:定义:出票人签发的命令付款人在见票时或者在指定时期内无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的依据。内无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的依据。B/Eisaunconditionedwrittenpaymentorderdrawnbythecreditortothe...
1、Chapter 8Bill of exchange8.1 The Implication of Bill of Exchangen The bill of exchange, commonly referred to as the draft or the bill, is an unconditional order in writing, signed and addressed by the drawer (the exporter usually) to the drawee (the confirming bank or the issuing bank...
of a Bill of Exchange: Drawer: 出票人 the person who writes the order and gives directions to the person to make a specific payment of money. He is usually the exporter or his banker in import and export trade; usually, he is also a creditor of the drawee. 暨南大学翻译学院黄艳琼 The...