Life Science Humans Blood and Circulation (23)Bones and Muscle (28)Cells (17)Communication (36)Digestion (7)Do-It-Yourself Science (87)Eyeballs (20)Heart (76)Human Transportation (56)Inventing (77)NTV Video Countdown (65)Nutrition (62)Patterns (98)Probability (68)Pseudoscience (69)Respiratio...
Bill Nye uses the power of Twitter to answer even more science questions. How does the internet work? What's the difference between a meteor, meteorite, and an asteroid? Does anyone really know how gravity works? Is water wet? Bill answers all these ques
当然,对于《Bill Nye the Science Guy》来说,这些都不是事! 《比尔教科学》是由迪士尼与美国国家科学基金会联合推出的科教节目,在美国自1993年起开播,共播出5季,每季20集。节目主持——科学家比尔·奈,以生动而诙谐的形式,简单而...