根据表格第一行“Bill Gates and Paul Allen set up Microsoft in 1975.”,表格第三行“Google was built by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were still at university in 1998.”和表格第四行“Ren Zhengfei started Huawei in 1987 in Shenzhen with RMB 21, 000 he raised.”可知...
1. 由“After many years of hard work, Gates became the richest person in the world in 1998.”可知比尔·盖茨成为世界首富是在1998年。2. 根据文中第二段第一句可知Paul Allen是Gates的高中同学,后又说“Then they left Harvard University early to start their own company called Microsoft in 1980.”...
像马斯克一样自学,比尔盖茨Bill Gates.1,六年级遇到保罗.艾伦Paul Allen,开始对计算机编程着迷..., 视频播放量 394、弹幕量 0、点赞数 6、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 4、转发人数 1, 视频作者 NextLivingPlanet, 作者简介 找到下一个可以生存的行星,设计制作可行的迁移途径
很多人都知道前世界首富Bill Gates,但鲜知Paul Allen,这位曾经拥有微软1/3股份的幕后金主爸爸,与Bill一样属于聪明绝顶的人。 除了对技术的偏执外,Paul还喜欢历史,当他明白自己已年老,无法身体立行完成喜欢...
Nearly 50 years ago, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft—a company that has had a lasting impression and impact on the software industry, and Big Tech itself. To build such a successful company, which now boasts a whopping $3.125 trillion market capitalization, Gates rarely took ...
In 1975, Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen started Microsoft.Microsoft At first, the company was no more than a name. Paul took a full-time job at MITS as head of their software () development.He was living in Albuquerque. Bill stayed at Harvard. Yet both boys dreamed of doing more...
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Bill Gates and Paul Allen set up Microsoft in 1975. It started of
The article discusses the highlights of the private event at the Living Computer Museum in Seattle, Washington held on April 2, 2013 where Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen recreated their pose in the black-and-white photograph in 1981 when they introduced the MS-DOS operating system...
At the time, in 1976, computer obsessives like Gates and co-founder Paul Allen were considered "hobbyists" — yet they fervently believed that a technological revolution was imminent. "It was the magic of software. And I was willing to focus my life, in my 20s, just on software...