Coesfeld, who took over BMG’s top role in July, wasted no time making major changes at the fourth-largest global music company, including bringing its streaming distribution in-house and partnering with Universal Music Group to handle distribution of BMG’s physical products. “Striking direct di...
Coesfeld, who took over BMG’s top role in July, wasted no time making major changes at the fourth-largest global music company, including bringing its streaming distribution in-house and partnering with Universal Music Group to handle distribution of BMG’s physical products. “Striking direct di...
The bidding for a tour of Bill Gates' house, guided by the Microsoft co-founder himself in a charity auction, ended at an impressive $35000. 在日前的一场慈善义拍中,微软创始人比尔·盖茨的“豪宅一日游”项目以3.5万美元的高价成交。 After about a year and a half ...
Gates Underwater Products “I did not anticipate the overall benefit of the Solidworks integration” he says. “It was a big WOW! moment. Since then the scope of what we put in OpenBOM has grown. We can control more information, specifications,and requirements. OpenBOM forces adherence to ...
How Bill Gatesgets the most out of books? 比尔·盖茨是如何把书读懂吃透的? You know whenyou're reading, you have to be careful that you really areconcentrating, particularly (特别, 尤其) if it's a non-fiction (小说,虚构) book. 当你读书的时候,你必须全神贯注,聚精会神,尤其在读一些...
Curran Theatre, San Francisco, CA, 美国 Bill Gates 賣得快 查看門票 1 活動 在 所有地點 2月 11日 週二 19:30 今天 Curran Theatre, San Francisco, CA, 美国 Bill Gates 賣得快 查看門票 Bill Gates Bill Gates 粉絲也喜歡 已追蹤 追蹤 640 Soccer World Cup 已追蹤 追蹤 7787 杜娃黎波 已追蹤 ...
他是比尔及梅琳达·盖茨投资(Bill and Melinda Gates Investments, BMGI)的首席投资官,以此身份负责通过Cascade Investment管理盖茨的个人财富,以及打理比尔及梅琳达·盖茨信托基金(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust)的受捐资产。虽然岗位备受瞩目,但拉森努力成功地避开了公众的视线——Cascade拒绝接受为完成此稿...
Hanging Out With Bill Gates 项目 2007/07/04 On June 28th, I (and 265 other interns) had the privilege of going to one of the four annual intern BBQs hosted by Bill Gates at his house in Medina, WA (on the Lake Washington shore). If you haven’t seen Bill’s house, Live Maps...
H.R. McMaster At War with Ourselves My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House pg. 67Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but this one betrays a rather fundamental lack of understanding. LBJ , like him or not, is arguably the President with the greatest hands on knowledge about how ...
A crumbling old house I sketched in Mosteiros, Açores. But on occasion there will be something that lodges itself in my memory for years, things likeSanta-Clara-a-Velha, the flooded church in Coimbra, Portugal that I blogged about a couple of months ago. Another such place is the Rom...