比尔·盖茨 2023北亚利桑那大学毕业演讲 Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨在北亚利桑那大学毕业典礼上发表讲话,向毕业生们分享了五条建议。通过这些建议,盖茨期望能让毕业生们能够更好地应对未来的挑战及抓住机遇。Good afternoon!下午好!Thank you, President Cruz Rivera and the Arizona Board of Regents, for this ...
今晚、这个周末、这个夏天或其他时间,你们都值得这样做。 Class of 2023, the future belongs to you. 2023届毕业生,未来属于你们。 I believe that you will be the ones to solve the climate crisis and reduce the gap between the rich and poor. 我相信你们将成为解决气候危机...
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨(William Henry Gates,1955年10月28日-),美国微软公司的董事长。他与保罗·艾伦一起创建了微软公司,曾任微软CEO和首席软件设计师,并持有公司超过8%的普通股,也是公司最大的个人股东。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全球亿万富翁排行榜中,比尔·盖茨连续13年蝉联世界首富。
The Age of AI has begun Artificial intelligence is as revolutionary as mobile phones and the Internet. ByBill Gatespublishedon Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023 Work
In 1970, at the age of 15, Gates went into business with Allen. They developing “Traf-o-Data,” a computer program that monitored traffic patterns in Seattle, and netted $20,000 for their efforts. The partners became eager to start their own company, but Gates’ parents wanted him to ...
Entrepreneur Bill Gates cofounded the world’s largest software business, Microsoft, in 1975. Read about his age, net worth, children, ex-wife, house, and more.
2023-03-05 21:40:2508:0833 所属专辑:5分钟英语故事--成功企业家系列 声音简介 Bill Gates is one of the most successful and influential entrepreneurs in the world. As the founder of Microsoft, he revolutionized the personal computer industry and helped pave the way for the digital age. His suc...
Working hard can lead to increased pay or a climb up the corporate ladder, but you shouldn't do it at the expense of living your life. Gates learned that lesson too late, he said. "When I was your age, I didn't believe in vacations. I didn't believe in weekends. I didn't ...
"I wouldn't say that I felt comfortable that we were successful until about 1998 or so," Gates tells CNBC Make It. That was 11 years after Gates took Microsoft public and became the youngest billionaire in history to that point at age 31, according to Forbes. Gates has a new me...
Gates poses outdoors with Microsoft's first laptop in 1986 at the new 40-acre corporate campus in Redmond, Washington. In March 1986, Microsoft held an initial public offering of 2.5 million shares. By the end of the year, Gates became a billionaire at the age of 31. Microsoft was the ...