内容概要:Apassionatetechieandashrewdbusinessman,BillGateschangedtheworldonce, whileleadingMicrosofttodizzyingsuccess.Nowhe.ssettodoitagainwithhisownstyleof philanthropyandpassionforinnovation. 比尔盖兹希望通过一种新的慈善方式来解决全球最重要的问题。在18分钟充满了激情的,当然也是非常有趣 ...
性别: 男 出生日期: 1955年10月28日 出生地: 美国,华盛顿,西雅图 更多外文名: William Henry Gates III (本名) / Trey (昵称) 家庭成员: Melinda Gates(前妻) / William H. Gates II(父) / Mary Maxwell Gates(母) IMDb编号: nm0309540 职业: 演员/ 主持人 / 作者 关注 720人关注 ...
Some old women and men grow bitter with age; the more their teeth drop out, the more biting they get. 有些老太婆与老头子,随着年岁而变得脾气暴戾——牙齿掉得越多,越发咬得入骨。He drop out because of the pressure. 由于校规很严,所以他退学了。
The Age of AI has begun Artificial intelligence is as revolutionary as mobile phones and the Internet. ByBill Gatespublishedon Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023 Work
Entrepreneur Bill Gates cofounded the world’s largest software business, Microsoft, in 1975. Read about his age, net worth, children, ex-wife, house, and more.
Entrepreneur Bill Gates cofounded the world’s largest software business, Microsoft, in 1975. Read about his age, net worth, children, ex-wife, house, and more.
If it is false, write F. If it is false, correct the information. 1.Bill Gates has had a very big influence on today’s world.2.Bill Gates always went to private school.3.Steve Ballmer was a co-founder of Microsoft.4.Bill Gates started Microsoft in Seattle in 1974.5.Bill Gates is...
Bill Gates started his company at a young age. He is very good at making plans. He is always ___ ways to make his company better. A. looking for B. looking after C. looking at D. looking up 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。“look for”表示“寻找”;“look after”表示“照顾”;“...
Bill Gates is inspired by Chris Anderson’s “Infectious Generosity”, which explores how the internet can amplify generosity and philanthropy.