He is the man who, as a manager of the impeachment when Clinton went to trial in the Senate, argued that a president who lied under oath about a consensual sexual relationship should be removed because, “You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constit...
Cast of characters: Edward Snowden, Vladimir Putin, Leonid Brezhnev, the neck and necktie of Ronald Reagan, JFK covered in Russianpixação, Obama and drones, Hillary Clinton and oral spear, Anthony Weiner and wiener, John McCain, Ron Paul, John Boehner…pointing, alien spacecraft neutralizing...
“It’s not like during the Clinton impeachment stuff; that was really embattled,” Daley, who was commerce secretary at the time, says. “That was a freakin’ drag out, knockout, every day sort of bing-bang-bong. There isn’t that now. There isn’t a sort of ‘woe is us’, kin...
Like almost everyone else in America, I can’t stand Hillary Clinton. I mean, I’m not blaming her. She’s a product of the system. She’s a puppet, like all the rest of them. The system is my opinion broken. It needs a complete overhaul. Citizens United, when that went through ...
a different de blasio emerges when he is tired, as at a late-afternoon meeting with staff implementing the pre-k program. in the middle of city hall’s cavernous blue room, beneath the gaze of an immense portrait of founding father alexander hamilton, the mayor sits alone on one side of...
“But it’s interesting. He was a punchline six months ago, but something has happened — the audience has shifted. They don’t laugh at him like that anymore, so we have to find a different way for them to laugh at him. It’s like, six months ago a joke about Hillary [Clint...
Charlotte BrontëA portrait of Charlotte Brontë, based on a chalk pastel by George Richmond. By the 1820s Romanticism had broadened to embrace the literatures of almost all ofEurope. In this later, second, phase, the movement was less universal in approach and concentrated more on exploring...