Clinton continued his speech, saying Americans have a "clear choice" to make in November. "Kamala Harris, for the people. And the other guy, who's proved, even more than the first go-around, that he's about me, myself and I," said Clinton about Trump. Read a full transcript of...
He also poked fun at Trump for his "endless tributes to the late great Hannibal Lecter," a fictional serial killer that Trump repeatedly references on the campaign trail. He recalled President Obama once referred to him as "the Explainer in Chief," but Clinton said he was stumped by what T...
” Trump told journalist Dana Bash after the debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, on Monday, September 26. “I’m very happy that I was able to hold back on the indiscretions with respect toBill Clinton, because I have a lot of respect forChelsea Clintonan...
SEE ALSO: Here's what happens if Donald Trump raises Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct at the debate "Join me in St. Louis, Missouri - as I conclude my debate prep," the video description read. Trump joined members of the press as four women -- Paula Jones, Kathy Shelton, Kathleen Will...
"These four very courageous women have asked to be here," Trump said at the start of the meeting in St. Louis, host to the second of three planned debates before the Nov 8 election. Trump had threatened to talk about Bill Clinton's past infidelities during the debate and has stepped up...
The Senate Education and Youth Committee voted 6-5 on Tuesday to pass Senate Bill 233, sending it to the full Senate for more debate. The bill must pass the Senate by Monday for the state House to take it up, or it will likely die for 2023. Supporters argue that the vouchers...
The Real Election Is Already Over and Bill Clinton’s Cookies WonThey’re better than Melania Trump’s, at least. ByClaire Landsbaum let’s goSept. 30, 2016 Are You a Barack Obama or a Bill Clinton?One’s kind of uptight, the other’s super chill. ...
Clinton continued his speech, saying Americans have a "clear choice" to make in November. "Kamala Harris, for the people. And the other guy, who's proved, even more than the first go-around, that he's about me, myself and I," said Clinton about Trump. ...
“The other day I heard someone compare Trump to the neighbor who keeps running his leaf blower outside your window every minute of every day,” Obama said. “Now, from a neighbor, that's exhausting; from a president, it’s just dangerous.” Lead Art: Former President Bill ...
In his roughly 30-minute speech, Clinton was greeted to boisterous cheers and offered plenty of memorable zingers, mostly pointed at former President Donald Trump. Here are some one-liners the 42nd president brought to the stage: “Two days ago, I turned 78. The oldest man in my fami...