Bill Bryson是美国著名游记作家。阅读下面列出的他的一些作品的简要介绍,从A—F 中找出相应的封面。小题1:This book is a guide to the world’s unspoilt sights and experiences. It presents one thousand fresh and fascinating alternatives to hundreds of well-known tourist destinations and sights, including...
Bill Bryson是美国著名游记作家。阅读下面列出的他的一些作品的简要介绍,从A—F 中找出相应的封面。 1.This book is a guide to the world’s unspoilt sights and experiences. It presents one thousand fresh and fascinating alternatives to hundreds of well-known tourist destinations and sights, including ...
比尔.布莱森 Bill Bryson世界最幽默也最倒楣的旅遊作家比爾.布萊森再度出征了!這一次,他的目標是位於遙遠的南太平洋上的──澳洲!這個傳說中連外星人都宣告放棄的海上孤島,到底有什麼天大魅力,竟然讓他玩到欲罷不能?快跟著最完美的嚮導比爾.布萊森深入這片廣大又充滿驚奇的大陸,你會看見超乎想像的澳洲!
书名:Bill Bryson's African Diary《比尔·布莱森的非洲日记》 简介:In the early fall of 2002, famed travel Writer Bill Bryson journeyed to Kenya at the invitation of CARE International, the charity dedicated to working with local communities to eradicate poverty around the world. He arrived with a...
任务型阅读 Bill Bryson是美国著名游记作家。阅读1-5中列出的他的一些作品的简要介绍,从A-F中找出相应的封面。 ___1.This book is a guide to the world's unspoilt sights and experiences
任务型阅读 Bill Bryson是美国著名游记作家。阅读1-5中列出的他的一些作品的简要介绍,从A-F中找出相应的封面。 ___1.This book is a guide to the world's unspoilt sights and experiences
按时间排序 · 按评分排序 · 按标题排序 1-1 / 1 grid list A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson / Black Swan / 2004-6-1 / GBP 9.99 2009-12-01 想读 > 全部想读(171) © 2005-2025, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · 在豆瓣工作 · 联系...
Bryson succeeds admirably. ThoughA Short Historyclocks in at a daunting 500-plus pages and covers the same material as every science book before it, it reads something like a particularly detailed novel (albeit without a plot). Each longish chapter is devoted to a topic like the age of our...
During the recent holiday I read Bill Bryson's latest tome ––and, as usual, he far exceeded my expectations. As Bill says: "Houses aren't refuges from history. They are where history ends up."Before we plunge deeper into the fray, I have to say that I love Bill Bryson's work. ...
Bill Bryson Wins Book Prize with First Foray into ScienceBill Bryson Wins Book Prize with First Foray into ScienceTHE BESTSELLING travel writer Bill Bryson has beaten veteran science writers to win a pounds 10,000 award for the best popular science book....