Biliary ductal dilationIncidentalMalignancyBile ductsThe purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of occult obstructing malignancy in the setting of asymptomatic biliary ductal dilatation incidentally detected and without identifiable cause on contrast-enhanced CT. A retrospective search identified ...
Due to the aggressive tumor biology and late onset of symptoms, most patients present with advanced unresectable and/or metastatic disease [1]. Consequently, the prognosis is poor with 5-year overall survival (OS) rates of less than 20% [2]. For a long time, the cornerstone of treatment ...
A95year-oldwomanpresentedwithupperabdominalpainandjaundice;ultrasounddemonstratedgallstones.Symptomswereshortinduration,andjaundicebegantoclearrapidly.Inviewofherageandimprovingcondition,shewastreatedconservativelyforcholecystitis.However,shethendevelopedprotractedvomiting;endoscopydemonstratedseveralstonesintheduodenum. Whatis...
In all cases with common channel dilatation, stenosis of duodenal papilla was suspected. Amylase levels in bile were remarkably high in all cases. In pathological findings of bile ducts, mucosa was preserved and slight fibrosis and massive infiltration of neutrophils were observed. We suspected that...
intervention arms in the other types of symptoms reported (P > 0.26), duration of symptoms had been occurring for (P = 0.21), impact of that the symptoms were having on the patient (P = 0.47), or the symptoms reported severity (P = 0.54) as shown in Supplementary ...
Treatment aims to relieve symptoms of biliary obstruction, maintain long-term drainage, and preserve liver function. Endoscopic therapy, including stricture dilatation and stenting, is effective in most cases and the first-line treatment of BBS. Radiological and surgical therapies are reserved for ...
Congenital biliary dilatation (CBD) continues to baffle researchers and surgeons because its cause remains unknown. There is a female preponderance and higher incidence in Asia. It is often identified in childhood but some 20% may remain undiagnosed unti
. Biliary cancer is typically advanced at diagnosis because symptoms often do not appear until late stages of the disease. Clinical features may be nonspecific and include cholestasis , abdominalpain, gallbladder enlargement,nausea, and weight loss. Initial diagnostic studies include ...
The diagnosis of biliary pain is generally suspected from the clinical history (seeChapter 65). Few important findings specific to gallstone disease are elicited on physical examination. Symptoms and signs of heart disease, especially congestive heart failure, should be detected during the preoperative ...
Transport patients with minor symptoms to the hospital with an IV in place and monitor. However, the diagnosis of cholecystitis is not a prehospital diagnosis. In patients with severe pain (eg, differential includes abdominal aortic aneurysm, myocardial infarction) and in patients with hypotension ...