胆管Bile duct 磐石中咂蜜 埃里克森社会心理发展第8阶段退休老人18 人赞同了该文章 甲胆管是任何一个数量的携带长管样结构的胆汁,并且是存在于大多数脊椎动物。 消化食物所需的胆汁被肝脏分泌到胆汁中,胆汁流向肝管,胆囊与胆囊管(从胆囊进出胆囊)相连,形成胆总管,胆管通向胆总管。小肠。 消化系统图显示胆管 ERCP...
Commodity Exchange,commodity-equivalents,commodore,Commodore-in-Chief,common,common bile duct,common carrier,common cold,common denominator,common divisor, 英汉-汉英词典 [解]胆总管 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. duct,epithelial duct,canal,channel ...
Common bile duct 在胆总管,有时缩写为CBD,是在一个管胃肠道具有一个胆生物。它由肝总管和胆囊管(来自胆囊)的结合形成。后来它被胰管连接起来,形成了Vater的壶腹。在那里,两条导管被奥迪的括约肌包围。 当Oddi的括约肌关闭时,来自肝脏的新合成胆汁被迫储存在胆囊中。打开时,储存并集中的胆汁进入十二指肠。胆汁的...
common bile duct 听听怎么读 英[ˈkɔmən baɪl dʌkt] 美[ˈkɑmən baɪl dʌkt] 是什么意思 释义 总胆管; 英英释义 common bile duct n.a duct formed by the hepatic and cystic ducts; opens into the duodenum 同义词:bile duct...
bile from common duct 总胆管胆汁 bile duct abscess 【医】 胆管脓肿 atresia of common bile duct 总胆管闭锁 相似单词 bile duct 胆小管 BILE =Balanced Inductor Logical Element 平衡式感应器逻辑元件 bile n. 胆汁,坏脾气,愤怒 duct n. 1.(传送液体、气体、电线、电话线等的)管道,管子 2.(人...
“Common bile duct.” Merriam-Webster.com Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/common%20bile%20duct. Accessed 12 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of common bile duct to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of common bile duct on...
Objective To investigate the right time for clipping T tube depending on bile duct pressure in patients with common bile duct exploration. 目的探讨根据胆总管压力确定胆总管探查[术]后T型管夹管时机的可行性。 www.dictall.com 8. The active transport of S-glucose was relatively low in the control...
bile-duct 英['baɪld'ʌkt] 美['baɪld'ʌkt] 释义 胆小管 实用场景例句 全部 Obstruction of the bile duct is associated with cholangitis. 胆管梗阻能并发胆管炎. 辞典例句 Mechanical obstruction may require operation for repair of common bile duct stricture or for gallstones....
bileduct n. 输胆管 common adj. 1. 普通的;通常的;常见的 2. [attrib 作定语] [common (to sb/sth) ]共有的;共同做的;共同受到的 3.[attrib 作定语] 一般的, 平常的( common base 共用底座 ownership in common 【法】 共同所有权, 共有制 common law adj. 习惯法的, 有关习惯法的 co...
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