However, radiation levels were still considered too high to allow resettlement, although they were deemed low enough to permit tourism on the atoll. In 1996 it was opened for scuba diving among the lagoon’s sunken warships, and sport fishing began two years later....
Today, Bikini Atoll is almost uninhabited. This paper is based on a preliminary survey of the atoll and outlines the material traces of nuclear testing, which comprise profound landscape modifications and other physical evidence, including an experimental target fleet of sunken ships, buildings and ...
We reserve the right to strictly limit and control who does what penetration dives and when at Bikini Atoll. Some penetration dives are best done with a maximum of two or three divers in the team. But ships like the USS Saratoga have many penetration options, thus we can allocate different ...
and the first cleanup project was completed in 1998. However, radiation levels were still considered too high to allow resettlement, although they were deemed low enough to permit tourism on the atoll. In 1996 it was opened forscuba divingamong the lagoon’s sunken warships, andsport fishingbega...