a coral island, or atoll, in the Pacific Ocean, in the archipelago of the Marshall Islands (11°35’ N lat. and 165°25’ E long.). It has been under the guardianship of the USA since 1946. It has an area of about 5 sq km. In July 1946 the USA used Bikini for two atomic bo...
Bikini - an atoll in the Marshall Islands; formerly used by the United States as a site for testing nuclear weapons Marshall Islands - a group of coral islands in eastern Micronesia 2. bikini - a woman's very brief bathing suit two-piece bathing costume, bathing suit, swimming costume, ...
government agreed to fund a cleanup of the island chain. Work began in 1991, and the first cleanup project was completed in 1998. However, radiation levels were still considered too high to allow resettlement, although they were deemed low enough to permit tourism on the atoll. In 1996 it ...
In August of 1969 an eight-year plan was prepared for the resettlement of Bikini Atoll in order to give the crops planted on the islands a chance to mature. The first section of the plan involved the clearing of the radioactive debris on Bikini Island. This segment of the work was design...
Bikini Island is the biggest Island in Bikini Atoll. An atoll is the remains of an extinct volcano that has partially sunk back into the ocean. They often form a ring of islands but sometimes there are islands in the middle such as in the Maldives. Inside the ring is a lot shallower th...
bikini•But he was wearing abikini, a pink bikini with big black spots all over it.•Not once, even in the most remote spots and island hideaways, has Diana forgotten to put on herbikinitop.•A skinny blond in a blue-and-white-stripedbikinisprayed himself with water from a plastic...
No remedial actions should be proposed at this stage for the islands of Bikini Atoll other than Bikini Island. The other islands have historically been nonresidential and used only for occasional visits and for fishing. 9. On the assumption that the proposed remediation strategy is undertaken, it...
NOT only the former inhabitants of the Bikini atoll will be glad that they are to be allowed to go back to the island where American nuclear weapon tests took place. The announcement last week will also be welcomed by those who feared that the explosion of nuclear weapons would permanently ...
Drawing an imaginary map of Bikini Atoll with his hands, he points to an island in the north. "Here we can put the waste. Over here" - he moves his hand toward Bikini Island - "we can have tourism." The plan dates back a few years to when the Energy Department started looking ...