Bikini Atoll the test site for the USA atom bomb program, sank about 9 ships, but destroyed over 100. My second trip and a lot has changed, I advise anyone thinking of visiting war wrecks or places like this to stop putting it off and go and see them before they all collapse. The ...
Though close, the French Riviera is not quite ground zero in Bikini World. That distinction belongs to the actual ground zero itself: to Bikini, the Pacific atoll on which A-bombs were tested in 1946. That year, Louis Réard, a French automotive engineer who was running his mother's linger...
It might surprise people to know that the word "bikini" was taken by Louis Réard from Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, where the first atomic bomb test was carried out on July 1, 1946 and 22 subsequent nuclear bombs were detonated. Another Frenchman, Jacques Heim, had come out with a...