An Oxford, England city councilor responds to a challenge from a bicycling critic topost a photo of school bike racks on a cold wet December dayby doing just that — showing the racks overflowing with bikes. A French engineer is attempting to solve the problem of exploding lithium-ion ebike...
Avis New Zealand operates in almost 40 locations across the North and South Islands. Bicycle roof racks are also available for rental from Avis’ outlets at Auckland Airport and Christchurch Airport for travellers who are bringing their own bicycles for the Great Rides. Here are some examples o...
A beam adds a bit of weight and it also may complicate rear brakes and racks. Since the frame is smaller in the back, wide profile brakes may present heel clearance issues for stokers. (Linear pull brakes won't have the same problem.) Also since the frame is smaller, rear rack ...
Unlike the Vado models that have EQ and non-EQ versions (which stands for equipped), both Como models come with the fenders, lights, and racks standard and are considered “equipped” even though it’s not part of their official name. These bikes feature some of the best fenders I’ve ...
While workshops can be co-housed, secure premises is the key area where support from government and bike-friendly donors is welcome. Tools, racks and spares are also needed. Community bike workshops extend bicycle lifespans and promote a community approach to sustainable transport—all while promoti...
While it may be to heavy for a roof rack or bike rack, there are hitch mounted motorcycle racks that you ride up a ramp to load, unfortunately even the lightest of dirt bikes plus the rack exceed a Class I tongue weight, so you have to have a vehicle big enough for a Class III hi...
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